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SustainLab presents

The SustainLab RCA Society is a collaborative and cross-disciplinary platform exploring what sustainability is and how it can be progressed. It is a knowledge exchange and forum for ideas to be investigated and challenged with the intention to facilitate experimentation and critical knowledge building within our creative practices.

Supporting the work of fellow peers within this shared frame of interest, however defined by the individual, adds a critical dimensionality to our work as artists and designers. Paired with curiosity this network of support grounds us in an intentionality of impactful creative pursuits.

Engaging with global crises we recognise the need to embed a regenerative mindset in the next generation of artists and designers, and we believe in the agency of our practices to be transformative in meeting these challenges.

This small collection of curated RCA graduate work is but a glimpse into the magnitude of innovative endeavours affirming the power of a collective mindset to generate change.

— Line le Fevre, Director of SustainLab 2022/23