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Zhaoning (Jony) Yuan 袁赵宁

Zhaoning (Jony), an RCA graduate with a solid foundation in industrial design, has journeyed through academia with a blend of traditional industrial design principles and innovative concepts, allowing him to produce designs that synthesise practicality with future-readiness.

Having honed his skills in adaptability, collaboration, and project management through experiences in the dynamic environments of start-ups and the entertainment industry, Jony is noted for his quick learning ability. His keen interest in incorporating new skills and cutting-edge technology into his workflow consistently fuels his passion for innovation.

In his quest for innovative solutions, Jony independently developed 'ModuLens'. This modular AR headset stood out as the winner of the OPPO × RCA 2022 competition and was showcased at the prestigious London Design Festival.

His educational journey includes a Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Design from the Beijing University of Technology. Jony is excited by the potential of design as a catalyst for change, be it through promoting sustainability, enhancing user experience, or challenging future perceptions. As he steps forward into his professional career beyond RCA, Jony remains committed to designing with intention, responsibility, and foresight, aiming to make a positive impact on our world.

A portrait of the designer.

In a world confronted with the unprecedented dual challenges of technological advancement and environmental preservation, design, for me, has become an extraordinary tool of possibility, exploration, and meaningful change. Through my projects, I aspire to question the status quo, envision alternatives, and use design as a conduit for shaping our collective futures in harmony with our planet.

My design ethos is deeply rooted in responsible innovation and planet-centric solutions, evident in both the 'London 2095' and 'ModuLens' projects. These projects demonstrate my firm belief in using design to challenge conventional wisdom and encourage sustainable practices, each in their unique context - one situating us in a speculative climate-affected future and the other redefining our interaction with emerging technology.

With 'London 2095', I aimed to visualise the potential realities of a climate-altered future. Drawing from the fields of futurology and speculative design, I crafted an immersive narrative that underscores the urgency of climate action today.

On the other hand, 'ModuLens', a modular and upgradable AR ecosystem, proposes a forward-thinking solution to a pressing problem of our digital age. Faced with the challenge of e-waste generated by rapidly obsolete technology, I sought to devise a sustainable alternative that addresses both the functional and environmental aspects. 

Through both projects, my goal is to demonstrate the potential of design as a powerful force for change. Whether by generating awareness about the realities of climate change or by devising tangible solutions to e-waste, I hope to incite introspection, conversation, and action.

It is my conviction that as designers, we bear a profound responsibility to utilise our skills and vision in ways that contribute positively to the world around us. Through 'London 2095' and 'ModuLens', I hope to do just that - sparking a discourse about our collective future, and presenting sustainable, responsible alternatives for the present.

Cover page of London 2095
Map of London 2095
Map of London 2095Map data source: Climate Central & Google

This research project, employing the lens of design futurology, primarily aims to augment public understanding and awareness of the tangible implications of climate change on daily life. The prevailing issue is the perception of climate change effects as distant or nebulous, leading to a disconnection between the global issue and personal stakes. This project, therefore, is motivated by the need to bridge this perceptual gap, translating abstract climate change concepts into tangible future scenarios that resonate with personal experiences and lifestyle choices.

The endeavour strives to cultivate imaginative engagement with climate change impacts, developing a plausible depiction of life in the late 21st century. The core areas of exploration include, but are not limited to, potential transformations in residential structures, transportation systems, dietary preferences, and clothing necessitated by climate change. 

The projection of these future realities serves to stimulate a heightened sense of urgency and personal responsibility, prompting individuals, communities, and policymakers to engage proactively in climate change mitigation strategies.

Thus, the project is not merely predictive but proactive in nature. It serves as a critical tool for visualising potential futures dictated by current anthropogenic activities and inspiring conscientious choices towards a sustainable and resilient future.

The designer and futurologist behind this project is Zhaoning Yuan from the Royal College of Art.


The warning from the United Nations Environment Programme in its "Emissions Gap Report 2019" forms the sombre backdrop for the 'London 2095' project. Despite a decade-long endeavour to raise climate awareness, global carbon emissions continue to rise unabated. As a consequence, the global average temperature has the potential to reach an alarming 3.5°C by the end of the century.

Such a precipitous increase in global temperature presages dire implications for urban environments. Cities are particularly susceptible to the urban heat island effect - a phenomenon where man-made structures absorb and re-emit the sun's heat more than natural landscapes. This amplifies the rise in temperature, leading to predictions of an increase of 6-10°C in cities, starkly outpacing the global average.

For London, a city renowned for its mild weather and constant drizzle, the future projected in 'London 2095' is almost unrecognisable. With the year 2095 as the temporal focus, the project explores a future where extreme heatwaves become the norm, and the city's infrastructure and public services are drastically reconfigured due to rising sea levels. It presents a metropolis that has been compelled to adapt its urban fabric, in response to the relentless advance of climate change.

Let’s delve into a journey that takes us from the iconic London Tube Map to the ever-essential Urban Survival Kit, allowing us to experience life in a world transformed by climate change.

Tube Map
Navigating London, 2095As you explore this future version of the London Tube Map, notice how our beloved city has evolved, how climate change has necessitated drastic changes in our urban fabric, and how mankind has found resilience amidst adversity.

The Tube map is an iconic symbol of London, a visual manifestation of the city’s heartbeat, connecting communities and facilitating the city’s incessant pulse of life. This revered artefact of urban navigation is not only a practical tool but also an embodiment of the city’s history, growth, and dynamism. It represents London’s rich narrative of evolution, reflecting its character as a global city that has always managed to adapt and thrive amidst changing times.

In the ‘London 2095’ exhibition, the 2095 tube map serves as a potent symbol of the transformative effects of climate change. It offers an interpretive lens through which you can explore the dramatic environmental and infrastructural shifts London might endure, driven by the forces of climate change.

Opting to use the official TfL map of 2023 as the foundation for this map reinforces the starkness of the changes projected for 2095. Rather than reimagining London’s transit system from scratch or adding new routes per city plan, this choice emphasises the reality of the existing city, highlighting the magnitude of change that could occur due to climate change. By retaining the original layout and format, it is ensured the map is not only recognisable to the audience but also underscores the continuity of time, underlining the temporal proximity of the predicted changes. 

Every nuanced alteration to the map corresponds to the impacts of climate change, embodying both subtle and profound shifts. East London’s flooding, for instance, marks the consequence of sea-level rise, resulting in a distinct reconfiguration of the city’s infrastructure, with the adaptation of transport systems and the emergence of new piers.

Through this visual representation, the map makes abstract notions of climate change tangible, grounding them in the urban fabric of a world-renowned city. As such, it serves as a call to awareness, compelling audiences to confront the consequences of inaction, and the urgency of mitigating climate change.

New Landscapes: Waterways of LondonExplore two poignant visions of our city’s future — Canada Water Pier (left) and Hammersmith Pier (right) in 2095. As rising sea levels transform our urban terrain, we adapt, with waterways becoming central to our city’s connectivity.

The “Canada Water Pier, 2095” is a simulated photograph that illustrates a significant reshaping of London’s urban topography as a result of sea-level rise. This site, once firm land, has been repurposed as a crucial node for London’s Water Taxi service, a response to the inundation of tube and rail lines. The image depicts a larger pier, indicative of its importance as a transport hub. 

The “Hammersmith Pier, 2095” represents a community-level adaptation to the same circumstances. This simulated photograph showcases a smaller, intimate pier servicing the water taxi routes. In the shallower waters of this area, the Hammersmith Pier stands as a testament to how local communities continue to maintain connectivity in the face of adversity. 

Both photographs, in their depictions of London’s future waterscapes, provide insights into the potential adjustments required for city living in the wake of climate change.

TfL News
World Energy Briefing
Powering 2095: World Energy BriefingEnergy shapes societies, drives economies, and, most importantly, impacts our climate. Dive into the World Energy Briefing 2095 to gain insights into the future of energy.

World Energy Briefing 2095

Energy plays a vital role in shaping social and economic landscapes. Analysing future energy scenarios allows us to identify potential social and economic impacts. Understanding the energy challenges that may arise in the future allows us to build resilient systems capable of adapting to changing circumstances.

The 2095 World Energy Brief presents a speculative projection of the global energy landscape 70 years into the future, based on current technological development trends. The following is the underlying logic behind six key findings.

  1. Renewable energy dominance: In the decades leading up to 2095, growing concerns over climate change, technological advancements, and supportive government policies have propelled renewable energy sources to the forefront. The shift towards renewables has been driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve global sustainability goals. Investments in research and development have led to significant improvements in the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of renewable energy technologies, making them more competitive with traditional fossil fuels.
  2. Decline in fossil fuel consumption: The decline in coal, oil, and natural gas consumption is a result of concerted efforts by governments, businesses, and individuals to transition towards a more sustainable energy future. Climate change mitigation policies have included carbon pricing, stricter emissions standards, and phasing out subsidies for fossil fuels. Additionally, the falling costs and increasing efficiency of renewable energy technologies have made them more economically viable, contributing to the decline in fossil fuel consumption.
  3. Decentralised energy generation: The increased adoption of decentralised energy generation can be attributed to advancements in renewable energy technologies, particularly solar and wind power, and improvements in energy storage systems. Decentralised energy generation allows communities and individuals to produce their electricity, reducing the strain on centralised power grids and improving energy security and resilience. General Artificial Intelligence has facilitated the efficient management of energy distribution and optimised the use of renewable resources in decentralised energy systems.
  4. Climate change impacts: The increasing frequency and severity of climate change-related events have highlighted the need for adaptable and resilient energy infrastructure. Rising global temperatures have created new opportunities for solar energy installations in regions previously unsuitable for such projects, like areas exposed by melting polar ice caps. However, these environmental changes also emphasise the importance of investing in infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events and other climate-related challenges.
  5. International cooperation and investment: The energy transition has been fuelled by global partnerships and collaborations that facilitate knowledge sharing and resource allocation. Initiatives like the International Solar Alliance and the Global Wind Energy Council have enabled countries to work together, pooling resources and expertise to develop and deploy renewable energy technologies more rapidly. This spirit of international cooperation has been crucial in addressing the global challenge of climate change and transitioning towards a sustainable energy future.
  6. Energy inequality: Despite the significant progress made in transitioning to a sustainable energy future, energy inequality remains an ongoing issue. Access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy is essential for economic development and poverty alleviation. Developing countries and regions disproportionately impacted by climate change may face even greater challenges in ensuring energy access for their populations. It is crucial to address these disparities and work towards universal access to clean energy to create a more equitable and sustainable global energy landscape.
Surviving 2095: Urban Survival Kit &  Personal Climate-Controlled Suit
Surviving 2095: Urban Survival Kit & Personal Climate-Controlled SuitDiscover the tools of survival in 2095. The Urban Survival Kit encapsulates the necessities of a harsher environment, while the Personal Climate-Controlled Suit symbolises the blend of design, technology, and resilience.

Urban Survival Kit Essential

The 9th Generation “Urban Survival Kit” (USK) by BIOX serves as a vital tool for adapting to the severe climate conditions projected in 2095, as depicted in the ‘London 2095’ exhibition. This Essential Kit offers a meticulously curated selection of items designed to help individuals navigate their daily lives amidst the harsh environmental conditions. It represents a key artefact within the exhibition, exemplifying how the intersection of design and technology can contribute to survival and resilience amidst a changing climate.

In the USK, the array of high-SPF sunscreens with varying strengths highlights the serious UV radiation risks associated with a warming climate. The inclusion of sunscreen remover demonstrates the integrated approach towards user comfort and practicality. The thermometer and timer serve as essential tools for personal health monitoring, acknowledging the increased risk of heat-related health complications. 

Safety essentials like the cut-resistant gaiters and ankle braces highlight the necessity of physical protection in an era where extreme weather conditions may pose serious safety threats. The safety cable and powerful snip serve as versatile tools for emergency scenarios, underlining the need for preparedness in an unpredictable environment. The whistle serves as a classic emergency signal tool, reflecting how traditional safety mechanisms continue to hold relevance even in a future shaped by high technology. The inclusion of the FFP3 masks underscores the projected severity of air pollution. This item, in particular, serves as a poignant symbol of the daily struggles future Londoners may face due to degraded air quality.

The USK, in its entirety, represents an adaptive response to the future climate scenario portrayed in the ‘London 2095’ project. As an exhibit piece, it manifests the pragmatic reality of living amidst climate change, providing an evocative material representation of future daily life. It also exemplifies the role of innovative design in enhancing resilience, emphasising the crucial role of design and biotech solutions in navigating a climate-altered future.

*BIOX, a fictional super-biotech company in this project, draws partial inspiration from real-life counterparts such as Bayer + Apple. For more information about BIOX, please refer to the “Worldview” section.

USK news

Personal Climate-Controlled Suit

The Personal Climate-Controlled Suit (PCCS) is a key artefact of survival and adaptability in the face of extreme climatic change. It is a part of the “Urban Survival Kit” Pro by BIOX.

The PCCS maintains a close affinity with the familiar lines and silhouettes of current urban attire, serving to keep the viewer grounded in the realm of the conceivable. However, beneath the exterior lies an interplay of advanced technology and innovative material application.

PCCS leverages the application of (PCMs), substances that absorb or release thermal energy during the phase change process. The PCMs are embedded within the fabric in micro-encapsulated form, facilitating a dynamic response to the wearer’s body temperature and external weather conditions. 

In extreme heat and humidity, the PCMs absorb excess body heat, melting into a liquid state to provide cooling. Conversely, in super cold temperatures, the PCMs solidify and release stored heat to maintain a warm environment. This dynamic temperature regulation system allows the suit to provide a comfortable microclimate for the wearer for up to 90 minutes of continuous use.

Donning the PCCS is as simple as wearing a regular jacket. However, for optimal performance, the suit needs to be “charged” by exposing it to ambient room temperature after every use. This allows the PCMs to return to their original state, ready for the next use. This simplicity in usage belies the sophistication of the technology within.

Maintenance of the suit is minimal and designed for durability and longevity. It requires occasional light cleaning using specialised cleaning agents to preserve the integrity of the embedded PCMs. 

As for cost, the PCCS is more expensive than conventional clothing due to its advanced materials and technology. However, with the pressing demand for such protective clothing amidst the worsening climate, rental services have emerged to make PCCS accessible to the majority. These services provide timely access to PCCS for those who may not be able to afford ownership, ensuring that this life-preserving technology remains within reach of most urban residents in this speculative future. 

* This product falls under the category of conceptual design.

PCCS Labels
Tuning into 2095
Tuning into 2095Immerse yourself in a typical day in 2095 — tune into a weather forecast and listen to a news podcast. Feel the intensity of the climate-altered future and witness the resilience of humanity in adapting to its new normal.
Forecast Animation
Virtual Podcast clip
Your Voice
Your VoiceWhat was your first thought when you saw this map? Do you like this future? If not, whose fault is this?

· What was your first thought when you saw this map? 

· Do you like this future? If not, whose fault is this?


Your future starts today


  • NASA's Climate Change Resources: This includes images of Earth's changes, the impact of climate change on ice, and a series of animated videos illustrating Earth science topics, among others​​.
  • EPA's Climate Change Resources: These resources provide information about observed changes in the environment, the science of climate change, its impacts on communities, ecosystems, and industries in the United States, and what individuals can do about it​​.


  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Follow the three “R’s” to conserve natural resources and landfill space. This could involve reducing your consumption, reusing items as much as possible, and recycling whatever you can.
  • Conserve Water: Be aware of your water usage and try to minimise it where possible. This could be as simple as turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or fixing a leaky faucet.
  • Save Energy: Turn off lights, computers, and electric appliances when not in use. Use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. Consider sourcing your energy from renewable sources if possible.
  • Choose Sustainable Transportation: Walk, bike, or use public transportation whenever possible. If you need to use a car, consider carpooling or driving an electric vehicle.
  • Compost: Composting organic waste reduces the amount of garbage that goes to the landfill, and it also enriches the soil in your garden.
  • Plant Trees: Trees absorb CO2, one of the main contributors to climate change. Even if you don’t have space for a tree, you can often donate to organisations that will plant one on your behalf.
  • Buy Locally: Locally grown and made products require less transportation, reducing their carbon footprint. 
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about environmental issues and share your knowledge with others. The more people know, the more they can help make a difference.


  • Greenpeace: An international environmental organisation that focuses on issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and pollution. They work towards a green and peaceful world.
  • The Sierra Club: One of the oldest and largest environmental organisations in the United States. They work to promote clean energy and to safeguard the planet.
  • Friends of the Earth: An international network of environmental organisations in 74 countries. They advocate for environmental and social justice, and promote sustainable development.
  • An international movement that aims to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, which scientists say is the safe limit for humanity.
  • Earthjustice: A non-profit public interest organisation that specialises in environmental law. They use the power of law and the strength of partnerships to protect people’s health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change.
  • Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): An international nonprofit environmental organisation with more than 3 million members and online activists. They work to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
  • The Rainforest Foundation: Works to protect the rainforests of Central and South America by securing land rights for indigenous communities.
  • The Rainforest Action Network: Works to conserve forests, protect the climate and uphold human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.

For more information about London 2095, you can read and download the "Exhibition Guide" PDF here.

>> Climate

This project subscribes to the fundamental worldview of Climate Change that emphasises the grim environmental consequences associated with the rise of global temperatures. Referencing the United Nations Environment Programme’s “Emissions Gap Report 2019,” it highlights that even if the Paris Agreement’s unconditional commitments are fully met, global temperatures are predicted to escalate by approximately 3.2°C. Such a surge in temperature is anticipated to spawn more widespread and damaging climate repercussions.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) cautions that a temperature increase exceeding the critical threshold of 1.5°C will substantially enhance the frequency and severity of climate disasters. Yet, despite a decade of raising awareness through the “Emissions Gap Report,” global carbon emissions persist in their upward trajectory, as per UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks.

In the project’s scenario, the notion of controlling climate change is deemed illusory, arguing that international cooperation often falters when faced with competing national interests. The envisaged future sees an accelerated transition towards catastrophic climatic alterations with a projected global temperature increase of 3.5°C by century’s end. This escalation includes key areas like polar regions, forests, and oceans. The urban heat island effect would further exacerbate temperature increases in cities, pushing averages between 6-10°C. Climate disasters, within this projected future, would become commonplace, necessitating human adaptation for survival.

By 2095, under this scenario, London experiences its hottest summer on record with temperatures peaking at 49.8°C, and the city sees no snowfall for three consecutive winters. 

London Temperature 2095

>> Society

The society, in response to the escalating climate crisis, has evolved into three distinct factions: the Abandonment Faction, the Adaptation Faction, and the Salvation Faction. Each faction’s beliefs and strategies for dealing with climate change differ but are not wholly exclusive.

1. The Abandonment Faction

The Abandonment Faction is mired in a sense of despair and helplessness, contending that global climate change has reached an irreversible stage. They argue that neither individual nor collective efforts can halt climate change’s progression, rendering attention to other concerns more meaningful. This sentiment is borne from prior failures to tackle climate change effectively and challenges engendered by existing economic, political, and social structures. 

This faction advocates for:

Acceptance of natural climate patterns: They argue that changes in temperature arise from natural phenomena like shifts in solar radiation and the Earth’s orbit, not human activities. Hence, Ice ages and interglacial periods are natural cycles unlinked to human influence.

Abandonment of contemporary environmental policies: They call for relinquishing environmental regulations, greenhouse gas emission limits, and clean energy promotions, believing them to be futile gestures incapable of affecting the natural environment but detrimental to businesses and individuals.

Cessation of climate change-related investments: They oppose the use of public funds for climate change research or carbon-neutral initiatives, viewing such efforts as pawns of special interest groups. Instead, they suggest redirecting these resources towards social welfare, healthcare, education, and the like.

An end to discriminatory fossil fuel policies: They criticise clean energy as expensive, inefficient, and reliant on government subsidies. Consequently, they demand an end to fossil fuel surcharges, thus promoting the unhampered use of traditional, low-cost fossil fuels.

2. The Adaptation Faction

The Adaptation Faction accepts climate change as a fait accompli that has wrought significant impacts. Therefore, they advocate for climate change adaptation through measures such as infrastructural upgrades, lifestyle modifications, technology and resource developments, and research. 

The Adaptation Faction promotes:

Resilient infrastructure development: They endorse the creation of robust infrastructure to withstand climate change impacts, like flood barriers and coastal protective installations.

Agricultural adaptability: They encourage improved farming and breeding techniques, drought-resistant irrigation facilities, and other adaptive measures for climate change effects.

Enhanced urban planning: They favour urban planning that accounts for climate change impacts, like indoor green spaces, rooftop rainwater collection, improved urban drainage, etc.

Boosted scientific research and tech innovation: They regard these as vital tools for tackling climate change and thus call for increased funding for relevant research and innovation to devise better adaptation strategies.

Limitation of fossil fuel use: They argue that fossil fuel use, given its adverse health impacts, should be banned within city limits to avoid exacerbating air pollution in challenging environments.

3. The Salvation Faction

The Salvation Faction professes faith in human capacity to reverse climate change through proactive actions and the Earth’s ecological recovery ability. They champion scientific research, technological innovation, greenhouse gas emission reductions, renewable energy use, natural resource protection, and heightened environmental awareness.

The Salvation Faction promotes:

Substantial greenhouse gas emission reduction: They assert the existence of unregulated greenhouse gas emissions and urge society-wide investigations to curb emissions, possibly reversing climate change.

Expedited energy transformation: They vehemently oppose fossil fuel use, calling for increased governmental investment in renewable energy infrastructure, a UN-led push for nuclear fusion technology, and a total ban on fossil fuels.

Sustainable production and consumption: They advocate a circular economy, green consumption, and active public participation in addressing climate change to lessen environmental impact.

International cooperation enhancement: They view prior climate actions as meaningful yet insufficient and urge for reinforced international collaboration to collectively tackle climate change.

Population reduction: They believe overpopulation exacerbates environmental problems and propose measures like birth control to alleviate human pressure on the environment.

>> Climate Refugees

Climate refugees, also known as environmental migrants, are individuals or groups forced to leave their homes due to drastic changes in their local environment. These changes, largely driven by climate change, include increased temperatures, sea level rise, extreme weather events, and agricultural instability.

1. Factors Contributing to Climate Refugees

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Erosion: Sea level rise, a direct consequence of climate change, has led to the inundation and erosion of coastal regions. This has resulted in the displacement of communities, particularly those residing on low-lying islands and coastal cities.

Extreme Weather Events: The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, typhoons, and heavy precipitation have escalated. These events have led to significant loss of life, property, and livelihoods, forcing people to migrate.

Drought and Desertification: Certain regions have experienced severe droughts and desertification due to changing weather patterns. This has disrupted agricultural activities and water supply, driving rural populations to migrate in search of better living conditions.

Heatwaves: Record-breaking temperatures have made certain regions uninhabitable, particularly areas already prone to high temperatures. Such extreme heatwaves directly impact human health and productivity, forcing relocation.

2. Implications of Climate Refugees

The rising number of climate refugees poses considerable social, economic, and political challenges. Countries receiving these refugees must deal with the strain on resources, infrastructure, and services. Furthermore, integrating these refugees into new societies can lead to socio-cultural tensions.

However, the plight of climate refugees also underscores the urgent need for global cooperation to mitigate climate change. This includes efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, develop climate-resilient infrastructure, and implement effective disaster management strategies. It also highlights the need for legal frameworks to recognise and protect the rights of climate refugees.

>> World Economic

The global economic landscape in 2095 has witnessed profound transformations, largely shaped by the severe ramifications of climate change. This report examines the critical trends, challenges, and adaptations that have redefined economic structures and instigated substantial socio-political shifts.

1. Climate Impacts on Infrastructure and Real Estate

A significant rise in sea levels has led to widespread inundation of coastal infrastructure, including cities, ports, and industrial zones. Such disruptions have caused shifts in economic geography, with inland regions gaining prominence, while the previous coastal economic powerhouses witnessed a sharp decline.

2. Agricultural Adaptation and Technological Innovation

Traditional farming has become less viable due to climate-induced irregularities in rainfall and temperature patterns. To counteract this, countries have embraced advanced agricultural technologies. Vertical farming, genetically modified climate-resilient crops, and efficient irrigation systems have taken centre stage, leading to the creation of a new-look agricultural economy.

3. Energy Transition and Economic Realignment

A shift from traditional fossil fuels to renewable sources has become inevitable. Oil and gas have become scarcer and costlier, prompting increased investment in wind, solar, and other forms of renewable energy. The growing focus on renewable energy has created a wave of innovation, job creation, and restructured economies across the globe.

4. Transportation Transformation

Rising sea levels and erratic weather patterns have dramatically reshaped transportation infrastructure, particularly in coastal areas. A resurgence of water-based transport has occurred in many regions, necessitating the growth of associated industries.

5. Government Policies and Investments

Climate-induced economic changes have necessitated alterations in public policies and investments. There has been increased government spending on adaptive infrastructure, sustainable technologies, and climate change research, particularly in the most affected countries. However, disparities in government capacities have led to uneven adaptation efforts globally.

6. Global Economic Power Reshuffling

Adaptation to climate change has become a determiner of economic power in 2095. Countries effectively managing the climate crisis have gained an upper hand in the global economic order, while those struggling with adaptations have faced economic decline.

7. Rising Economic Inequality

Despite successful adaptations in parts of the world, economic inequality has escalated, both within and among nations. Coastal communities and low-income countries have disproportionately borne the brunt of the climate crisis.

8. Outlook

The world economy in 2095 is marked by rapid adaptation, technological innovation, and a race against climate change. The coming decades will test the resilience of economies, the effectiveness of climate policies, and the adaptability of societies to new economic realities. 


BIOX, as a leading biotechnology company, it serves as an emblem of human innovation and resilience amidst a drastically altered environment due to climate change.

Established in the mid-21st century, BIOX rose to prominence amidst an escalating global climate crisis. It reflects the transformative role of biotechnology in addressing the unprecedented challenges posed by severe climatic shifts. While the crisis was worsening, BIOX adopted a humanitarian approach, focussing on developing affordable survival solutions for the majority of the global population that couldn't afford the prohibitive costs of overground bunkers and underground cities. 

BIOX's most renowned offering is the Urban Survival Kit (USK) Essential, launched in 2087. This kit signifies the convergence of biotechnological innovation and design adaptation to climate change. Each iteration of the USK, culminating in the 9th generation USK Essential displayed at the exhibition, showcases BIOX's commitment to updating its survival solutions to meet evolving environmental challenges.

What sets BIOX apart is its mission to democratise access to survival technology. It envisions a world where over a billion people can survive and thrive amidst the changing climate by the end of the century. BIOX's contributions serve as an example of how design and technology can contribute to social resilience, transforming a dystopian future into a testament to human adaptability.

Hero Image of the project "ModuLens"
Interactive 3D ModelVisit for better interaction.
Project Information

Today's consumer electronics are being upgraded by replacing 100% of the hardware for less than 10% of the experience. As the core device of our electronic lives, a smartphone will only be used for an average of three years. More than 50 million tonnes of e-waste are generated every year.

There is no denying that climate change is already affecting us all. This summer, we experienced extreme heat in London, and extreme heat has become the norm worldwide. We must do something about it, even if it's only for our own sake.

After conducting extensive long-term research, I believe the modular design holds significant promise for the future. However, I don't think it makes sense to create another phone since it has already established a complete production and interest chain, and no company has the motivation to initiate reforms. On the other hand, Augmented Reality is still in its infancy, with professional hardware being sold at high prices and not yet available in the mainstream market. AR headsets will undoubtedly replace mobile phones as ubiquitous screens in due course. Major tech companies, including OPPO, are making a push into the meta-universe, and OPPO has the opportunity to take an entirely new approach and lead the industry's transformation.

Project Information

But the current AR or VR devices still follow the business model of mobile phones, with highly integrated designs that make repairs difficult and put significant pressure on the head. This is not aligned with our desires. It is crucial to note that a highly integrated design does not guarantee a great user experience. For instance, a removable phone battery can be just as waterproof, whereas a non-removable battery requires a lengthy recharge process. Important components can be made entirely modular. Therefore, my intention is to develop an AR base frame that can establish a regenerative hardware ecosystem through modular design.

Project Information

The hardware is divided into two parts: one for display and environmental awareness, and the other for enhanced computing, communication, and power supply. Both parts are designed to be modular, allowing users to upgrade or repair components according to their preferences.

The overall experience is divided into three parts. Firstly, there are everyday glasses that provide features such as myopia correction and UV protection. Secondly, the AR module serves as an accessory that can be magnetically added to the glasses, offering basic smart glasses functionality like time display and message alerts. Lastly, when paired with the base unit, users can enjoy a complete AR experience.

Product Picture 1
Product Picture 2
Product Picture 3
Product Picture 4
Scenario 1
Scenario 1Scenario 1 - Everyday Glasses
Scenario 2
Scenario 2 - Smart Glasses
Scenario 3
Scenario 3 - Full AR Experience