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Yunyi Liu

Yunyi Liu is an industrial designer from Chengdu, Sichuan, who is passionate about observing the world and identifying design needs to improve people's quality of life. She is filled with enthusiasm for design and believes that excellent design can bring convenience and aesthetic pleasure. She is dedicated to creating sustainable and user-friendly solutions, integrating design with social responsibility. She always maintains her passion for the world and sees design as a way of life, aiming to make a positive impact on the world through her creative ideas.

life photo

During my graduate studies, I focused on constructing future world scenarios based on the imagination of natural environmental changes. I aimed to explore the impact of these future environmental changes on human survival and existence, as well as the possibilities for humanity within them, in order to initiate discussions and reflections on current behaviors and circumstances.

My research extended beyond mere theory as I utilized design works and concepts to visualize these future scenarios, stimulating the imagination and insight of the audience. By envisioning the possibilities of future worlds, I sought to trigger reflections on present behaviors and decisions, bringing attention to crucial issues of our time. I firmly believe in the power of design to improve people's lives and make a positive impact on society. I consider design as a creative force capable of propelling society towards greater sustainability and human-centeredness.

NEW LIVING INDUSTRY_2080, media item 1
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Shown here are products from the company's autumn 2080 collection, and the new product on sale for the new season. The new P-Stomach7.0 will sell for £14240 (This is equal to £142.40 now). The specific price brochure is also shown below.
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Human beings have never stopped exploring ways of longevity. In the future, with the development of human medical technology, people can achieve longevity or enhance their physical capabilities by replacing their organs. A new type of service organization appears following the times.

How do we feel when we see organs being sold at marked prices? Would you be willing to consume this service for a better life, a longer life?

In 2080, the environment is full of microplastics due to their massive use and discard. Microplastics are present in human food and are ingested in large quantities, causing health problems. To enable people to continue living healthily in such an environment, U+X Clinic has worked with WHO to develop a new stomach designed to break down the ingested microplastics and turn the damages into nutrients.

In this future design project, we explore the concept of artificial evolution to address the challenges posed by the increasingly severe problem of plastic pollution to humanity and the environment. By envisioning and designing a new stomach, humans can evolve to adapt to this disrupted environment when faced with the threat of microplastics.

What about the year 2100? What will the world look like then? Can we consider plastic as an energy source, and perhaps the way to recycle plastic is by introducing it into food processing plants?

If this is not the future you desire, what can you do now?