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Service Design (MA)

Peiling Han

Peiling(韩佩玲) is a service designer and digital artist from Shenzhen, China, specializing in user research, content design, planning, visual design, illustration, and game design.

She has an educational background in digital media art and is passionate about combining art and technology to create unique and attractive service experiences. She believes that by using technology and a rational system, customers can be provided with more vivid, interactive, and personalized services.


  • M.A. Royal College of Art, Service Design
  • B.A. Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Digital Media Art
personal image

Service design as a highly integrated discipline, has always attracted her with its focus on how to provide customers with more humanized, efficient, and enjoyable services through innovative design methods. This allows designers to create a better life for their customers.

During her year of study at RCA, she had interactions with people from different backgrounds, each with their own unique life experiences. It was through these meaningful communications that she discovered many strategies that could be intervened through service design and aspects that could be improved. She tries to use technology and art to create and optimize the service framework, with the goal of not only satisfying human emotional needs but also having an impact on society.

In the final research project “Happy Living Alone”, she focused on the design for the easily overlooked social group of young people living alone, paying attention to their well-being. Through interviews and co-creation workshops, she and her group member discovered their real needs and experiences and designed for them. In this project, she served as a content builder, planner and visual designer

“Design is not a skill, but the ability to sense and perceive the essence of things.”

What is the challenge?
What characteristics and circumstances are associated with LONELINESS?
Who we are designing for?
What are they struggling with?
4 insights
Problem Statement