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Design Products (MA)

Yujia Li

Yujia Li is an industrial designer from China. During her undergraduate studies, she was exposed to a lot of technology and the application of new materials. physical, tangible matter is the material basis and carrier of industrial design. The use of different Advanced materials and processing technology could bring users new experience.

In her work, Yujia focuses on observing the details in life and the materials that can be seen everywhere that may be ignored, trying to make more suitable and reasonable transformations of the original inherent materials in different environments and scenarios.

She believes that in product design, through the exploration of materials, more possibilities of products can be discovered, and imagination and creativity can be enriched.

During her postgraduate studies, Yujia's explored the sense of empathy brought by products, and tried to design more warm-hearted design works.

Education background:

Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts (China) - (BA) Design Products

Royal College of Art - (MA) Design Products

about the project

Candles can melt with the passage of time and changes in temperature. Each candle takes different forms from burning to exhaustion, just like every person who was born in the world and finally can always shine in their respective fields, the process of the candle melting and then solidifying is a very touching and inspiring process.

Through the passage of time, the burning of wax is a kind of disappearance, but at the same time it is also a kind of rebirth, leaving traces of beauty for human beings.

In the beautiful countryside of southern England, there used to be a thriving and active colony of bees. They danced with the abundance of flowers, bringing life and abundance to the earth. However, over time, these bee populations have unfortunately faded away, leaving only a silent memory of their existence.

Meliponine Elegy is inspired by 17 lost bee populations and their memory.

Each species of bee has its own unique characteristics and honeycomb frame structure, which are cleverly incorporated into the candle's design.

From the appearance, they all have a beautiful and unique shape. However, when the candle is lit, the internal honeycomb frame structure gradually appears, with a distorted and dilapidated form, just like the plight and struggle experienced by these bee colonies in the process of extinction.

This project hopes to raise people's attention and thinking about the extinction of bees.

Three states – Dawn of Ignition: The initial stage of candle lighting, symbolizing the existence of the bee colony and the light of life. Dance of Flames: In the middle stage of candle burning, the flames flicker and dance, symbolizing the vitality and prosperity of the bee colony. Embers of the Past: When the candle burns towards the end, the flame gradually weakens and the candle begins to melt, symbolizing the decline and demise of the bee colony.