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Interior Design (MA)

Xianqing Zhao

This is Xianqing Zhao from Shanghai, China. I graduated from East China University of Science and Technology majoring in environmental design.

I believe that design is born for people, so I have been researching how to design spaces that better cater to people's needs.

Xianqing Zhao

In my project, I attempted to integrate 'repairing' into various parts of the space. I believe that repair does not necessarily mean restoring damaged items to their original state, but also allowing them to have new forms and functions.

Joints and Junctions
At the beginning of entering the SuperMatter platform, each of us was assigned to study the joints and junctions of one material. Mine is porcelain, and I gained some design inspiration by smashing it and reassembling its fragments.
TotemAfter entering the site, I was very interested in the broken windows in the building due to the inspiration I gained in the previous steps of joints and junctions. Therefore, I began to study their structure and created models in the form of "layers" to express the structure of the windows in the site.
Site analysis
Site analysis
Material palette
Material paletteWith the main purpose of studying windows, I attempted to remove the windows from the original site and place materials in the window frames that match the workshop atmosphere of different functions.
For fashion
For fashion
For furniture
For furniture
For jewelry
For jewelry
For electronic equipment
For electronic equipment
Interior, media item 2