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Fashion (MA)

Sanna Namin

Sanna Namin (b. 1995) is a Swedish/Iranian multidisciplinary designer and artist from Stockholm.

Her practice navigates the intersection of identity politics, working through the conflict and challenges by figuring new forms, free of historic/inherited conceptions and assumptions. She blurs the boundaries between art and fashion by body-building wearable sculptures, interrogating the possibility of material properties and compositions of stretch fabrics, foam and metal.

She completed her Bachelor's Degree from the University of Brighton (2019), where she also spent time in Stockholm, Paris and New York working from brands such as Ann-Sofie Back, Balenciaga and Vaquera. Before her Master studies at the RCA she worked for 3 years as an Assistant Designer at Filippa K and Junior Designer (Accessories, Apparel and Body Armour) for POC Sports in Stockholm.

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Figuring is my latest body of work that sees the introduction of the material foam embodied in transient and wearable sculptures. 

The soft sculptural quality of foam allows me to use the different shape pieces to playfully sketch new silhouettes freely presenting a series of temporal figures, shape-shifting to present limitless evolutions of self, despite what might be restraining us. In many ways this process has been an exercise of breaking free from industry conditioning as well as the identity politics we navigate ourselves through. I have been relearning how I used to play and sketch before I became aware of societal constructs that are performed and gate kept by many. As a child I’d visit my Grandparents in North Sweden, playing with my cousin to build boats out of scraps from my Grandfather’s metal workshops and building sails out of my Grandmother’s knitted scraps. We’d sail the boat down the river and it would always sink much like these transient sculptures would never hold - the beauty was always in the play. 

On a more tangible lens of these sentiments I’ve been constructing wearable sculptures tying in my three core materials; using stretch fabric and boning to structure the foam to be able to hold silhouettes for long durations of time. These pieces do not suggest how they should be worn in relation to the body and are up to the wearers to sculpt themselves freely as they wish to present themselves. ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿

Sanna Namin
Sanna Namin
Sanna Namin
Sanna Namin
Sanna Namin
foam dress