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Interior Design (MA)

Ruby Kinnear-Jones

'The Archive' is a study of how light can sculpt a range of different intimate experiences between viewer, object and environment. It is a journey through a sequence of different lighting conditions and archival collections. The space is influenced by Benedictine architecture and circulation systems, with a central cloister and external navigation. It follows the notion of submerging and emerging through light, inspired by the proximity and power of the river. Upon entry, the observer is cleansed through a series of different light conditions before they ascend upwards into the archival collections, paper and object storage, and finally the conservation labs. Ending the journey at the chapel, or top archival room, where there is a long outlook down the river which is framed by a pitched roof. The collections follow the same premise of the lighting, moving from the dark 'submerged' spaces featuring objects from the riverside into the light and glowing spaces where the located objects also move inland.

The concept of archive is highly politicised, with certain voices deciding which histories are worth preserving and which are disregarded. This has also led to a historical lack of public access, as with a lot of buildings with high academic status. I want to challenge this notion of archive by creating an open access collection which encourages community input, workshops to learn new skills and space to relax and engage with the physical surroundings. I want to celebrate the voices of the past by encouraging conversation and connection. This connectivity will form a bridge to welcome the changes to the area whilst revealing and preserving its intimate histories, inviting the communities of the future to build new stories upon these foundations.

Walter Benjamin- “Arcades Project"

“The trace is an appearance of closeness, no matter how distant the thing that it leaves behind. Aura is the appearance of distance, no matter how close the thing that calls it forth. In the trace we gain possession of the thing; in the aura, it takes possession of us.”

Photo of Ruby Kinnear-Jones

Hello, I am Ruby Kinnear-Jones. I studied BA Textiles Design at Chelsea College of Arts and have since been working with tapestry, paintings and ceramics. This course has elevated my ability to engage spatially alongside my pre-existing interests in materiality and making.

During my time at the RCA, I have defined my own identity as a designer through understanding how different people connect and move through spaces. I am interested by intergenerational connections between places and people, especially how these can affect and enrich the relational linguistics of the current population.

My dissertation, titled: ATTENTIVE WILDERNESS AND MAPPING GHOSTS, circulated similar themes to that of my thesis project. It forms a chronological journey through fragments in the form of experiences from my own life. I used these as a vessel to then expand and explore how both emotional and physical expressions of transition can be used as a map in understanding the nuance of identity and its connection with physical places.

I am particularly interested in how we look, process and engage with our surroundings and how much this 'attentiveness' has been commodified. How do we regain ownership of our interest and create new links of narrative and connectedness with cross-generational historical narratives that enrich our sense of identity.

Recent Exhibitions:

  • 'An Act of Making' Yorktown Workshops (2022), MAH Gallery as part of London Design Festival- exhibition
  • 'John Hejduk: London Masque' Royal Academy of Arts (2022)- exhibition

the archive
archive drawing
archive drawing
material totem
material totem


Wax, paper, thread, paint, sheeps wool


map of bowater road
craft experiments
craft experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
surface experiments
monastic plan
monastic plan
image of lighting experience
image of lighting experience
graphic of artefacts
graphic of artefacts
journey through colour graphic
journey through colour graphic
journey through colour graphic
woollen pavilion graphic
graphic of woollen pavilion
wool image
woollen pavilion graphic
the archive