In 1923, Corbusier publishes the Five points of Architecture and outlines how a house should be in the Manual of Dwelling. He showcased these ideas with his work in Villa Savoye in Poissy. However, now, the house is much more than a machine for living. Looking at the Faraday Works Charlton complex, I am drawn to the ideas of how design can generate a feeling of civic responsibility and community building in new residential developments.
My manifesto challenges the Manual of Dwelling which is limited to the private house or the Corbusian Villa and extends that into the public realm to explore what lies at the intersection of domestic interiors and the design of urban life.
Domestic Underground is a strategic and programmatic demonstration of how the housing crisis is changing our public and private spaces as we know it. It finally takes the form of the Faraday Public House situated at the 37 Bowater Building.
Projects early on in the year, namely, Cryptography of Sleep and PRO, start to inform the strategies employed a the Public House at Charlton.