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Design Products (MA)

Ziying Gan

Use a compass
Explore game box
Terrain of snowdonia
Navigate Quest
Product details
User experience
Navigate Quest
Use process


Jute bags, wood

The principle of task principle design is that the acquisition of spatial knowledge involves multiple factors, including landmarks, paths, edges, nodes and regions. The combination and order of these elements provides integrated spatial information. However, the direct acquisition of spatial knowledge is not limited to discrete non-spatial landmarks, it also involves the ability to visualize objects and transform them in your mind, from 2D to 3D.

Attention and concentration play an important role in the acquisition of spatial knowledge. Although environmental knowledge can be acquired automatically to some extent, people can acquire little or no spatial information without paying attention to the environment or being distracted.

Strategies for decoding spatial knowledge require training and development. With specific training methods, people can improve their spatial cognition and learn to visualize and transform objects in the environment into mental images.

Tasks 1 to 5 Step by step, tasks 1, 2, 3: terrain features, important markers (item collection, enhanced attention to the surrounding environment), direction indication

Task 2: Path knowledge

Task 4: Surface sequence information and selection points

Task 5: Information integration

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Modern technology has made hiking easier and more and more people have neglected to learn traditional survivability and basic navigation skills. When people rely too much on technological devices, they can get stuck when the devices fail or fail for a moment. In addition, the development of technology has also affected our perception and instinct. Modern navigation devices, for example, have removed the need to rely on our sense of space and direction to find a destination, causing these instincts to escape and degenerate in many people. This program aims to help travelers get rid of their dependence on electronic devices and improve their navigation skills and map cognition on foot.

By combining hiking tools and educational elements, the project designed a service system for snowdonia national park to help hikers learn some hiking navigation skills and improve their hiking experience.

At the start of the hike, hikers can choose hiking routes by viewing three-dimensional terrain on the map board and by observing specific mountain conditions. snowdonia national park has six most common routes to choose from. Users can rent Navigate Quest kits by leaving their information card, writing down their chosen route and estimated time spent, to build their trekking navigation skills and map awareness by playing the game while trekking. Players will face a variety of challenges and tasks in the game, requiring the use of map reading, direction judgment and route planning skills to successfully complete the goal. At the end of the hike, hikers can take collected items and return tool boxes.