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Service Design (MA)

Zilin Yuan

It is estimated that around 1 in 100 individuals in the UK are diagnosed with autism, and if you include their carers, autism is a part of daily life for 2.8 million people. While autism can present many challenges for the individuals who have it, it can also present a significant burden on their carers, who often have to navigate a complex system of services and supports while also managing their own emotional and practical needs.

ComPASS aimed to support carers of autistic children throughout the assessment journey by building a comprehensive support platform that empowers carers, schools, and health services to collaborate effectively and support children with special needs. It enhanced support by providing the values of navigation, communication, and synchronization.

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Zilin Yuan is a student who is passionate about designing for sustainability, accessibility, and affordability. With an industrial design background, she thinks service design is a compassionate discipline that is design-based and human-centred. Design can overcome deficiencies in industrial design since it is oriented toward user experience improvement and sets its eye on the whole.

She has worked on four projects during her two years of study at RCA. She has interacted with individuals from different backgrounds, including garment workers, the homeless, and caregivers. Each person carries their own unique story, which can be painful, sad, or joyful. Through empathy and understanding of the entire system and all touchpoints within the user journey, she tried to create and optimise holistic processes that satisfy human needs and emotions.



Problem Statement

Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Problem Statement

How might we

How might we...

Service Proposition