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Information Experience Design (MA)

Zhiyi Lu

Zhiyi Lu is a visual artist from China, currently based in London. Areas of interest include exhibition, installation, materials, brand identity and packaging, and video editing, with a primary orientation towards information experience. Her work is often focused on specific physical sites or around specific social issues such as noise, environmental pollution, and sensory visualization. Her work is strongly experiential and narrative, based on audience participation and personal performance.

Selected Exhibitions:

Package Restaurant - DOBE WE International Cultural Creative Center, Shanghai, China (2021)

Plant Space - Loading - Art Bar Sustainability Show - Royal College of Art, South Kensington, London, UK (2023)

Plant Space - Loading - Tiktok Young Artists Program - 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China (2023)

Plant Space - Loading - Digital Design Weekend - Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK (2023)

Personal statement

The environmental crisis is increasingly regarded as a serious global public problem. From the perspective of environmental concern, my project aim to focus on how to deal with environmental damage and how to protect the ecological environment. Combining the major and courses I had learned, I create a series of immersive experiences for audiences to better understand my projects and concepts and let them to think about how to better respond to ecological environment issues.

Sounds from Pollinators of Endangered Plants in UK
Offline exhibition
Website page
Offline exhibition

Background:The extinction risk to plants could be worse than previously thought. The State Royal Botanic Gardens (RBG) Kew estimated that 39.4% of plants are now threatened with extinction. At the same time, researchers say the planet may be losing plant species more quickly than science can find, name, and study them. So in that case, the issue that I researched is how can I engage the public more with endangered plants? 

Design concept: My project aims to provide people with an immersive experience through online website, offline workshop, installation and offline exhibition to inspire people to think more about the impact of plant extinction and reflect on how to better respond to the extinction of endangered plants.


Installation, Sound, Website, Offline workshop