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Fashion (MA)

Yutong Wu

Yutong is an accessories and jewellery designer living in Chengdu. With a design background in jewellery and environmental protection, her design philosophy has always been environmentally friendly and recyclable, and the starting point of her design is drawn from her own story. She observes all aspects of everyday life focusing on social and environmental issues. In this project, her design inspiration derives from the memories between herself and her dog, and she finds that smell can bring people back to a past memory. Starting from the secondary starting point, Yutong creates unique smell aroma memories between yourself and your dog, and uses lines to outline the shape of characteristic locations. Smell and visual memories are thus integrated and set off.

Degree Details

School of DesignFashion (MA)No WearRCA2023 at Truman Brewery

Truman Brewery, F Block, Second floor

Olfactory art — Dog‘s Art — Perfume Art

The inspiration for this project is that my dog and I had a lot of wonderful memories. I hope that these memories can be preserved through different media, not just through visual communication, but by combining the visual spectrum of humans and dogs and analyzing the olfactory sensitivity of dogs and their response to each scent. Here, this is combined with the olfactory art of perfume, and lines are extracted from olfactory motifs which create art in order to preserve these unique scent memories.

The starting point of this project is that dogs, as participants, pay more attention to the art of SMELL STORY smell due to the importance of smell to them, and also have the function of visual transmission. The survey showed that the majority of dog owners would like to use the scent archive as a way of remembering the happy times with their dog by spraying perfume on some important anniversary. The olfactory dynamics were mapped by recording how long the dogs sniffed each place each day. Next, the scent of each place is analyzed and a perfume created that belongs to us, making each perfume a memory scent file. As for the use of materials, by analyzing its preferences, we can find materials that are harmless to pets. Homemade dried flowers are used as natural perfumers and display decorations. The artist's hope for this series of works is that the audience and wearers are not limited to humans, but to a variety of species, such as dogs. So for each perfume bottle, the artist starts from the dynamic image of the dog in each fixed place, and then designs them into beautiful perfume bottle designs. Each perfume bottle is printed using an environmentally friendly transparent photosensitive resin, so that the colour of each perfume that the artist mixes can be seen through the transparent resin. Since this series is from the perspective of the artist themselves, all the lines and scents will be more personal. However, it can be seen from the questionnaire that many dog owners also hope to make their own memories of accessories and scent files. Therefore, in the future plan, we may try to add the activity of inviting participants to mix perfume on the spot, and add the artist's post-painting, so that participants can make their own perfume and perfume bottle. Also, due to the recyclable material of the perfume bottle, the artist decided to create a unique logo for herself and her dog, and add a reusable element to the packaging of each perfume. In this way, if you want to change the perfume and the new dynamic image extraction, you can bring the previous perfume bottle to use again.

Flow Chart
Inspiration&Primary Research
I have conducted about 100 questionnaires, and selected the representative ones I know, and analyzed and summarized them. I found that most of the humans surveyed who have dogs wanted to make their own dogs' perfume. In addition, they wanted to spray that perfume on important occasions or when they miss their pet.
Case Study
As part of the research I looked at other artists who worked with scent. One example is Diller Scofidio + Renfro who, together with curator Chandler Burr, produced work which is essentially a process of art and sharing. In the showroom, visitors in the gallery were invited to lean against the wall, and as a result of twelve different dimple concave inclinations, a burst of scent was released, in order that everyone could feel the different, temporal, unique smell for themselves.
Scent I Made
Scent I Made
3D Scan
Materials Research
2D Drawing Development&2D Development
Color Research
2D Design
Perfume Final
Perfume Outline 2D Design
Final Bag Shape
Sticker Research&3D Design
Customer Service In The Further
Customer Service In The Further
Work Background Questionnaire
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