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Interior Design (MA)

Yuqing Bao

The year is 2041 and artificial wombs have become a new reproductive model for the future of humans. This has significant effects on society, including changes on demographics, social norms and intimate relationships. Each parent will simply, just provide the necessary sperm and egg and then get on with their lives and their jobs. Ten years later in 2051, the freedom of the relationship reaches a climax. People are free to enter into relationships on their own terms rather than bound by monogamous tradition or family expectations. Marriage rates have fallen to their lowest point, and the monogamous marriage system no longer fits the needs of these growing diversified relationships. As a result, Kaleidoscope Theatre comes into being. It's created by a non-governmental organisation and is the first experimental site to celebrate fluid relationships outside of binarization. How can we use proactive design to imagine future 'Rites of Passage' and offer more possibilities for exploring people's relationships?


As a hardworking, flexible and responsible interior designer, l am eager to devote human care and emotion to my design. l'm a quick learner and an optimistic person, seeking to share my curiosity about the world with like-minded people.

When it comes to ‘Other Ways of Being’, I explore how space responds to self, body and engagement with others within the context of genders and identities. Emerging bodies and space beyond the binaries of gender, reason and irrationality which engage with present and future feminist dialogues. I utilise Speculative Design through experiments with sexual relations and identities based on a near-future or fantasy setting. It has the ability to translate feminist perspectives in plural directions - what might a truly feminist society look like?

Let's look at the history. Humans have been around for roughly 2 million years, modern monogamous culture only appeared 1000 years ago. It was actually to “guarantee that a man’s children were truly his biological heirs. Through marriage, a woman became a man’s property.”
A trouple
Quard polyamory
A couple
Rite of passage
We have three stages. 1) Experiencers and Audiences set off from the surrounding cities. 2) They will go through the desire path to enter the house to finish their ritual. 3) People will gradually expand the desire path year by year.
Desire path
We offer four stage packages inspired by four seasons. All relationships go through a number of shifts and changes, and (just li
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Experiencer and Audience are welcomed by two adjacent mirror entrances. They slowly go through different entrances. Audiences go up on the ramp which is slightly higher than the Experiencers. They can see each other's silhouettes through the polycarbonate panels.
hand out
lounge&changing room
Ritual of water
When the Experiencer places their ticket on the wall, their journey begins. They cross the water curtain as a pre-soak rinse ritual. All of the open areas are articulated with rolls of a fabric system. Each enables the space to be configured for up to at least 6 different situations.
Ritual of Water
The windows retain a portion of Charleston's paintings to preserve the memory and spirit. Audiences are scattered around the top windows looking inward. This creates a unique perspective of seeing and being seen.
They will end the ritual by crossing the water curtain which is an after-soak rinse ritual. Their footprints and water marks will be left on the concrete ground. We provide a clean place for people to get dirty and everywhere is full of the mess and traces of the people before.
Ritual of Meditation
Ritual of Meditation
He is the solo who is in the lull when lots of relationships fizzle out. He opens the door with a ticket. In the middle of the room, he is lying on the cradle within mirrored reflections to explore and appreciate his body. The Audience walk crouched in the walkway at the top, and they poke their heads out to observe the viewpoint. The view through a small hole from the side.
Ritual of Burning
The couple pick up the dried sage, set fire to it on the fire place and burn the sage in the circle room which is made up of red gradient glass columns. It is one of the oldest and purest methods of cleansing; a group of people enhance their relationship.
Ritual of Sound
Experiencers place the ticket in the seat to initiate the ritual. They use a device that allows people to talk to each other through the tubes, they cannot see each other's faces, but they can hear each other's voices, murmuring or shouting. They are separated by frosted glass, creating a feeling of stillness, touch and go.
Ritual of Sound
Lastly, we don't know where they will end up because relationships are ever changing. However, no matter whether someone is single, coupled or polyamorous, it is a worthwhile experience of expression, which they all deserve.