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Information Experience Design (MA)

Yue Miao

Yue Miao, A visual designer studying Information Experience Design at the RCA.

She is very interested in everything about animals, and now she is focusing on researching topics related to society, culture, nature, and animals. She is full of curiosity about the future, and she is trying to think about the connection between artists, designers, audiences and society. Through games, speculative scenarios and workshops she tries to inspire people to think about relationships with their companion animals.


Humans are cut off from the natural environment but have a closer relationship with companion animals. Many people are beginning to pay attention to the democratization of the human-animal relationship, and one way to change species is to breed selectively, and another is to actively engage in a feedback relationship with them. 

The project discusses the relationship between humans and companion animals and aims to get the audience to reflect on the relationship of power and dominance between humans and companion animals, critiquing this self-centred human behaviour of changing species through selective breeding and the effects of the capitalist market on companion animals.

Game demo
ui page
Game UI 1 - Physical condition, Materials, Character, Bag, Map, Character, Illustrated Handbook
ui page
When you are close to a material you can click to pick it up and view information such as the material's function
ui page
Place the materials from your backpack into the puppy generator to create a perfect puppy
ui page
Created puppies - with lots of information on the details of the changes and the risk of disease posed, Different diseases come from different physical characteristics

It is an experimental game that allows people to create puppies according to their own ideas in the game. Players can collect different materials, each with the probability of changing the characteristics of the dog and possibly causing diseases, and they can generate their own puppies in the machine according to preferences, critically making people aware of the harm that selective breeding.

Download the PC


Game design


Perfect Species research center (PSRC)
ArtefactDesktop video
Artefactlab Report
ArtefactReport Analysis
Speculative scenario
Regarding the experience, the audience will first enter the play area to create their own puppy, and then enter the fictional scenario where they discover the research behaviour of this fictional organisation.

Perfect Species research center (PSRC) is a fictional organization that uses in-game player-created puppies as research data to explore the human mind's preference for the appearance of dogs as a species. By creating a world of non-existent speculation, It hopes to lead people to think critically about selective breeding, what changes and diseases might happen to dogs' bodies in the future, and to consider broader questions such as how we should define the relationship between humans and companion animals.


Speculative scenarios

This workshop on the perfect companion animal serves as a research process for my project, allowing the audience to assemble their own image of the perfect companion animal through collage and process guidance, reflecting on human desires and control over animal rights.

Human selective breeding has resulted in many companion animals being genetically diseased or defective, and humans will breed and enhance the physical characteristics of some animals according to their own preferences, such as dachshunds and teacups dog, by obtaining and analysing this data to create a 'perfect' virtual companion animal.

