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Fashion (MA)

Yingzhi Hou

Yingzhi Hou (b.1998). The artist's work incorporates experimental material, conceptual clothing, and sculptural wear to convey themes of trauma and emptiness. Through her practice, she explores the continuity of trauma and its lasting effects. Her work themes are influenced by historical events experienced by her family ( "Develop the Great Northern Wilderness" , Cultural Revolution ) . The artist creates thought-provoking works by incorporating everyday items such as clothing, silicone, and nails. Her art is a reflection of the mundane objects we often overlook, giving them new life and meaning.

In the finial exhibition, Yingzhi collaborate with Qingyue, expresses the similar family memories they have experienced, to reveal something that was  hidden and unnoticed by creating an contradictory existence.

For good or evil
In wisdom or in folly
Everyone stamped by everyone.

Our practice explores the psychological and behavioral effects of trauma. Trauma leaves behind an open wound filled with lingering insecurities. For victims and witnesses, the past can never be forgotten, resulting in an ongoing sense of unease that transcends and is passed down through generations.

In our artistic practice, we delve into methods and techniques such as covering, stitching and grafting to reconstruct and distort objects. This process of transformation yields an unsettling existence, revealing concealed and overlooked aspects of the objects. Although the viewer can identify the materials employed in our creations, determining their original source becomes a puzzling endeavor. This intentional vagueness pushes the limits of perception, encouraging the viewers to immerse themselves and ponder the hidden narratives contained within.

In essence, our primary objective is to stimulate self-reflection and meaningful conversations concerning the ongoing presence of trauma and its significant repercussions on individuals and communities.

I haven't dispossessed anyone, Haven't usurped anyone's bread. No one died in my place. No one. Go back into your mist. It's not my fault if I live and breathe, Eat, drink, sleep and put on clothes.


knitting, PVC glue, branches


50cm x 64cm


knitting, latex, soil


150cm x 75cm
For good or evil In wisdom or in folly Everyone stamped by everyone.


branches, silicone, shoes, knitting


18cm x 45cm


hair, knitting, nails, latex


210cm x 160cm


knitting, nails, hair.


230cm x 150cm