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Interior Design (MA)

Yibin Ma

FARADAY WORK is a 150 year old factory located in the Woolwich area of London. To breathe new life into these iconic, 'endangered' buildings, it will be transformed into a brand new community in 2026.

The focus of the project is to provide the new Faraday Work community with a social, shared kitchen for new residents from different places, helping the community to get to know each other more easily and thus increasing community harmony. Inspired by a community cookbook published by a local artist who believes that food is a great way to help people connect with each other, they have collected the stories behind many of the local community's favourite foods and shared their stories to help other residents understand them.

The Faraday Work Community Shared Kitchen provides a place to connect people by making and sharing food. It is a narrative space that allows people to meet each other through a fun, unplanned interactive shop, then through a wave-shaped kitchen that allows the residents who make the food to meet face-to-face, and finally through a BIG table with an unusual entrance. Table. The whole process creates more opportunities for interesting encounters, helping people to get to know each other faster, while reducing social phobia and making it easier for people to join in.

Yibin Ma

Yibin Ma is an interior designer from Shanghai, China who is passionate about observing the details of life and echoing them with design techniques, and enjoys and excels in using the characteristics of materials to apply to the design of narrative spaces.

The SuperMatter platform challenges the combination of narrative and interactive experience of people, and the use of interactive materials to bring people closer together.


May 2022 / John Hejduk London Mask Exhibition | Royal College of Art 


August 2020 | Materials Exhibition Room, Tianhua College, Shanghai Normal University

January 2021 | Shiseido 40th Anniversary Installation - Kaleidoscope of Recycled Empty Bottles

February 2021 | Shenzhen Furniture Fair - Smart Home Showroom Design

March 2021 | Guangzhou Furniture Fair - ELLE Furniture Gallery Showroom

Shanghai, China

Educational Background:

Royal College of Art, MA Interior Design 2021 - 2023

Shanghai Normal University, Tianhua College, Interior Design 2016 - 2020

Source of the concept
Source of the concept
Designing a shared kitchen
Designing a shared kitchen
The concept of different partition
The concept of different partition
Kitchen view model
SHOP Section
Dining Area
Dining area flow chart - 1:5 model
Shared kitchen use process
Shared kitchen use process
Shop Randering
Shop Randering
Dining Area Randering
Dining Area Randering
Kitchen Randering
Kitchen Randering