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Visual Communication (MA)

Yangjing Dong

Yangjing Dong (Minty), b.1999 in China, is currently a London-based graphic designer and visual communicator. 

After gaining a BEng degree in Digital Media Technology at NUPT and a BFA degree in Communication Art at NYIT, I started an interdisciplinary design journey. I'm interested in the formal aspects of communication design such as colour, typography, and explore these principles and methods through making printed material.

I’m undergoing my MA in Visual Communication studies at the Royal college of art to explore topics in more expanded, creative and accessible ways.


I enjoy communicating with design, working with experts, bringing skills to their expertise and then presenting it to the audience, taking them on an immersive journey.

Using visual communication tools and methods to explore themes that go beyond visual communication in creative, inviting and understandable ways.

Personal experience and observational rigour are very important in my practice. When we visualise things, we are essentially creating a mental image or representation of our feelings, which can help us to identify and process better.

Inside page display
The examination of both psychological and biological modelsIt is possible to visually capture the changes occurring within an individual during an agoraphobic episode. In particular, the activation of the amygdala serves as a defining indicator for those with specific experiential phobias. By mapping out the entire circuit to depict the individual’s physiological and emotional states, a more comprehensive representation of their inner activity can be achieved.
Book Display
Book DisplayCompared to biology where there are only terms and the simplest of arrows, I thought that as a graphic designer, I could make it more vivid and visual. To achieve this, I apply the theoretical principles of the model in a visually compelling manner.
Map Display
Map DisplayCollage of Agoraphobia Scenarios
Poster DesignThese routes provide a highly visual response, offering valuable insight into an individual’s thought processes and behavioral patterns.


Nonlinear means change, unpredictable. The brain circuits are nonlinear, and the routes that agoraphobia takes are nonlinear. It is their way to connect with the world.

After conducting interviews with individuals who suffer from agoraphobia, it became evident that many struggles to articulate the precise emotions they experience during the panic. To better understand this phenomenon, I sought to construct a scenario using various methodological approaches.

I collected data by recording feelings and images while walking in the city and exploring a graphic method to study the association of agoraphobia with specific spaces, with the aim of visualising fear scenes/emotions to better understand the mental illness of agoraphobia. This gives the public a way to understand this unspoken fear.

I hope I can develop a means of visualizing agoraphobia that can be utilized by others to create their own personalized “fear scenarios”. 

Display of the booklet
Display of the booklet
Booklet and Graphic Design
Booklet and Graphic Design
Seeing through the clear box gives people a distorted sense of reality
Seeing through the clear box gives people a distorted sense of reality
Seeingse of reality

Fantasies & Realities - Agoraphobia Treatment Diary

Agoraphobia is a fear of public scenarios. Environments that people might ordinarily find normal and safe become distorted and complex. I decided to make some work about this in order to better understand what I was experiencing and to help others better understand.

When I designed the booklet, I divided it into two parts and superimposed them, using a combination of acidic, abstract graphics and realistic images to bring out their psychological activities when facing different scenarios. This acts like a process of exposure therapy.

The first two pages of every single booklet are the therapeutic record and inner perception of panic attacks, I printed on Sulfuric acid paper as its translucency allows it to show a hint of what's underneath, place reality pictures at the bottom, the overall look has the illusion of disorientation. As you open the booklet, the layers represent therapeutic ideas that can help to reveal more truthful scenarios. Clear scenes will unfold, revealing that this is just one of the countless ordinary daily routines. It's just your fears that keep you from getting out into the world.

The transparent archive box create a sense of chaotic space, with the unsecured folded boxes falling apart when opened, the files in them clearly visible; meaning that the illusory space that traps me gradually collapses as the treatment progresses.




297mm x 210mm