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Information Experience Design (MA)

Xirui Liao 廖熹瑞

Xirui Liao is an award-winning interdisciplinary designer who’s interested in art and science, patterns, and physical interaction.

Her practice involves conceptual design, interaction, product, and graphic design, and she is committed to bringing together multiple disciplines to create unique and inspiring experiences.


2023 Artificial Dream, Finalist, Immerse UK Award, London

2023 Artificial Dream, VR Experience Presented at Ircam Forum, Paris

2022 The Birth of Monsters, Distinction CHS Dissertation, RCA, London

2022 Imprint, Group 1st Prize, White City Sculpture Challenge, Imperial College, London

2022 Caged Bird, Still Image Award, The XP Award, London

2022 FUSION, Iron Design Award in Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design Award Category, A’ design award & competition

2018 Alien Speaker, Silver Award, International Design Award (IDA)


MA Information Experience Design (Experimental Design), Royal College of Art, London, UK (09/2021-06/2023)

B.Eng. Hons Product Design and Manufacture (1st-class degree), University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China (09/2016-06/2020)

Statement_Image_ butterfly

I^3 is an abbreviation for I*I*I, which looks like 1*1*1. Even if the result of the operation is 1(I), it still contains several different 1(I)s. I use it as a metaphor for the aim of this project: extend one's perception of the self by examining the emergence of human beings as multi-organisms and as part of larger societal structures. 

This work is also my attempt to translate abstract philosophical concepts into a coherent collection of patterns that encompass both experiences and flows, utilising procedural rhetoric. Game engines serve as an ideal platform to explore and implement this concept due to their capability to provide abundant sensory experiences and facilitate temporal changes, thereby increasing the accessibility of abstract demonstrations. I think the strength of game engines lies not only in their ability to simulate the real world but also in their capacity to distil the spiritual realm from the material world, transforming it into a harmonious collection of patterns that engage multiple senses.


I^3 is a series of interactive interfaces that mainly translated Morin's theory of human complexity into voice, scenes and interactions in an abstract way, allowing the audience to experience the concept in interactions and multiple sensories. The three chapters - personal, biological(cosmic) and social -aim to lead the audience on an endless journey that explores the diversity and inner connections of the individual, expanding the perception of the self.

Level1 Individual
Level1 Individual
Level2 Social
Level2 Social
Level3 Biological
Level3 Biological

The Game Version

The download will be available here:

I initially chose the game as a media, because it could be ported anywhere, and anyone with a computer, or a mobile phone, could experience it. But the project itself is extremely abstract in its conceptual expression. Compared to the installation method, I need to embed more interactions and flows to make the concept accessible. I might need extra time to finish it, then I will publish it for everyone to experience.

Screenshots from Demo Test
Screenshots from Demo Test

The Process of Translation

The concept of my project starts from 'the exploration of the multiple existence and complexity of the human individual', drawing inspiration from the philosophies of Edgar Morin, Donna Haraway, and Karen Barad. These influential thinkers have guided me throughout the project, shaping various elements such as the practical applications, narrative, medium, and interactive approach. Specifically, I have focused on Morin's trinity model in Penser Global L'homme et son univers as a key framework for my work.

When designing the player flow, my approach is inspired by Morin's discussion in La méthode, tome 1 : La Nature de la nature of the potential of loops to open up new approaches, in which different aspects of a fact are presented in a way that preserves their original complexity and, by optimising the loop, establishes a cross-reference between the various aspects, creating a new cognitive framework.

The Method of Transformation

The Pattern of Levels

I tried to visualise the circular paradigm mentioned above and its three aspects into three levels. The design of each level is based on specific references from relevant scholars and appeals to the metaphors of space, rule, interaction and flow.

Patterns in Flow and Space
Patterns in Flow and Space
Installation Demo Video

The Installation Design

The installation is designed for a better immersive experience, it is a meditation space where one player will play the game and the rest of the audience can lie down, sit, stand, watch the images in any position they feel relaxed in and meditate, through this format, the players share their journey to the audience and in doing so build a connection within each other.

Deisgn of installation
Design of installation

Special Thanks

Personal Tutor: Nestor Pestana

Project Consultation: Zitao Ye, Dr Chris Kempes

Thank you very much to all those who have given me feedback and opinions on this project, it has been a pleasure and inspiring to talk to you and your ideas have formed an integral part of this project.

Before & After

I am no longer obsessed with finding a field or medium to go and focus on, as I find what excites my soul is finding new paradigms of understanding the world and using this as a process to experiment, thinking with practice and practising with thinking.