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Interior Design (MA)

Xin Yan

In 2050, after the rise of Me-ism, Post-Me-ism started to emerge. The Generation Beta teenagers were born and grew up in an environment where human beings have only the tiniest amount of social interactions (physical). In Me-ism times, although most of the people can live in the way they wish, living as individuals but not family or community brings problems as well. For example people never could learn basic social skills through experience; the absence of emergency contact; one parent family balancing time between self and children. There are things better to do with some help, and people choose to use Attaché as the helper. 

People create robots as another version of self to get help with daily life: Attaché. Also, every baby is born with an Attaché as a friend, babysitter, monitor and even teacher. Attaché keeps the side of the owner all the time to fulfil every requirement. However, this fake production can not really emotionally replace another human being, which leads to the start of Post-Mesim. Generation Beta teenagers who grow up with robots started to wonder:“ Where and how to make friends offline? What’s it like to have interaction with real people?”

There are 2 human and 3 Attachés living in the Attach house. Human Jessica with her 2 Attaché Jessie and Jess, Jessica's biological daughter Elizabeth and her Attaché Beta.

Attaché Jess and Jessie are checking the cloth

I’m Xin Yan, an interior designer from China.

After graduating from Pratt Institute I came to Royal College of Art to continue pursuing my dream. I consider humans and the state of their mind as the most important things when designing a space, all the shape, material and colour combinations are the outcome of humans, our reaction to reality. In the future platform, I am working on building my own scenario and design based on that.

Timeline of Meism
Timeline of MeismStarting from 2020, people started to cut off all kinds of relationship, that caused Me-ism and created Attaché.
people introduction
Jessica, Jessie & Jess
Elizabeth & Beta
Elizabeth & Beta
House history
House history
House history
Mirror stage
Mirror stageFollowing the idea of replication, like how Attaché is a mirror version of human, I flipped the house and move them closer, overlay on each other until it reaches the right amount of square footage.
Floor plan
Floor plan (Ground)The space has been separated to 3 areas: Human, Common and Attaché, one programme new in the residential space is the Training room, the more training the owner does with Attaché, the more supportive and alike the Attaché is going to be.
Floor plan
Floor plan
Floor plan (Second Floor)
Material The special treated 2 tone/surface brick shows the combination of how the life of human and Attaché comes together.
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Jessica, Jessie and Jess in the training room talking
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Jessie and Jess in the closet
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Elizabeth studying and Beta waiting outside
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Jess cooking for Jessica
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Jess watering the plants
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Jessica, Jessie and Jess reading books
Jessica, Jessie and Jess reading books
Jessica, Jessie and Jess reading books ( Surprise! )