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Interior Design (MA)

Lin Zhuo Chen

“What satisfies the eyes satisfies the soul.”

Lin Zhuo Chen is a Chinese-Ecuadorian designer that is passionately drawn to the captivating experiences and sensory dimensions of interior spaces and objects. It is through this fascination that she finds herself continuously exploring the interplay of movement and materials, aiming to bridge the perceived gap between interior and exterior realms. Her ultimate goal is to create spaces that forge a profound connection with one's inner self.

In her practice, Lin embarks on a journey to distill the very essence and narrative of existing spaces, weaving them into designs that engage and resonate with the surrounding community. Each project she undertakes serves as an experiment and invaluable opportunity to delve deeper into the essence of interior spaces. This commitment to experimentation has become the defining characteristic of her practice, where every project becomes a unique and enriching case study.

Lin completed her BA in Design at Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano (2017-2020), and worked later on various projects in her home country Ecuador. She then, continued her studies at the Royal College of Art, Graduate diploma (Product, Interior and Spacial Design, 2021), where expanded and enriched her skills as a designer and artist.

The SuperMatter Platform has challenged her to explore narratives and sensorial experiences through materials and the methodology of "thinking through making".

Exhibitions & Publications

Feb 2023 / IFI D2D Issue 22 - Adaptability - Interiors ReNewUse | Featured Cork explorations photograph

May 2022 / John Hejduk London Masque Exhibition | Royal Academy of Arts | Anthropomorphic Scarecrow building

April 2021 / NABA Design Awards 2021 | Featured BA Thesis project and NO|WHEN Hotel project

Honours & Awards

NABA Design Awards 2021

2021 / Nominated Best BA Interior Design Project, N O | W H E N Hotel

2021 / Nominated Best BA Interior Design Thesis, R A W Reuse, Adapt, Maintain

Lin Zhuo Chen, interior design

WINTERING is a wellness Centre that aims to alleviate burnout experienced by local young professionals and professionals working in nearby areas such as Canary Wharf and the City.

During World War II, the Siemens Brothers factory played a significant role in developing telecommunication cables used by the Royal Navy and the Army. The demanding nature of wartime production, long working hours, and the stress of living in a city under attack likely resulted in burnout among the factory workers during that time.

Studio Egret West is currently redeveloping the Faraday Works site, previously known as the Siemens Brothers Factory, into mixed-use buildings. The redevelopment includes housing units, workshop spaces, cafes, exhibition areas, and an innovative stacked factory. These efforts aim to create a vibrant community and transform the industrial area into a destination that promotes economic growth. The affordable housing, combined with its proximity to major financial districts, is expected to attract young professionals who often work long hours, leading to exhaustion and burnout.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasized the issue of burnout, with remote work and increased pressure contributing to heightened stress levels. WINTERING seeks to address these challenges by exploring how design can enhance the well-being of young professionals, providing them with a sanctuary amidst the demands of modern life.

site, building
model, cardboard
cardboard model


acetate, balsa, cardboard


Scale 1:250

Wintering Manifesto

Disconnect by looking at the small things

Imagine a place where nothing is trying to coax you away, where you can simply be.

The feeling that you are not being directed but can stroll at will

it's a kind of voyage of discovery


Recall the first sensorial experience,

the sense of wholeness of inseparable elements

You could never have imagined when you started out that this would be the outcome:

The connection to oneself and the disconnection from the superficial.



/ˈbɜːrnaʊt/ noun

[countable, uncountable]

the state of being extremely tired or ill, either physically or mentally, because you have worked too hard.

diagram, illustration, photo


concrete, plaster, plywood, acrylic, brass


20 x 20 x 40cm
materials, carbon, count, interior design

Wintering | A journey to alleviate burnout

*Wintering refers to the period when animals, birds, and plants rest during the winter until spring arrives.

Winter is a time to enjoy the pleasures of SOLITUDE, to DREAM and to CONTEMPLATE

Winter opens up a space to RESTORE and REPAIR

On Winter you can spend hours in silent pursuit of a half-understood concept, or a detail of history. 

Winter has PATIENCE

There is nowhere else to be, after all.

