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Service Design (MA)

Juilee Ingle

I am a research-driven, multidisciplinary service and product designer with a global background in healthcare, sustainability, financial services, and innovation.

I approach design with a holistic and human-centered mindset, breaking down intricate problems to comprehend the complex relationships between users, systems, communities, and technologies. My passion lies in extending the reach of design intervention to overlooked areas, making a tangible impact on people's quality of life. By crafting empathetic and disruptive experiences, I aim to catalyze positive behaviour change and problem-solving for both individuals and businesses.

My design journey is ongoing and is woven through my diverse exposure to people and cultures across the globe.It is reflected in my work and truly marks my strength as a great collaborator who is people-centric.

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  • Women's wellness company co-founder / Currently under venture building, Product/Patent pending (Accenture song X RCA)(NDA)
  • Webility- A mobility service derived from community solar to proliferate renewable energy transition benefits to the fuel stressed.
  • Monset - A platform for addressing money mindset patterns in parents and kids to alleviate financial anxiety. (Natwest X RCA)
  • Design Intervention for Identifying period absence in India (Leo Burnett, Innovation lab)(NDA)


  • Royal college of Arts, MA Service design
  • London Business School ,behavioural economics (LBS X RCA)
  • Imperial college entrepreneur journey- business development (RCA X Imperial college)
  • MIT Institute of design- Industrial Design
  • Strate School of Design , Paris


  • Service design at JP Morgan and Chase, London (2022-2023)
  • Product & Experience designer at Leo burnet Innovation Lab, India (2019-2021)
  • Product innovation Loreal ,India (2017-2018)

Problem background

The UK's latest energy strategy envisions a low-cost, net-zero electricity system primarily powered by solar and wind. Solar deployment is expected to increase five-fold in the next decade. Contrary to the common misconception that solar doesn't work in the UK, solar is uniquely suited for densely populated urban areas since wind turbines require more space to operate (sourced reference).

project communication


Despite solar being the cheapest source,UK is still experiencing one of its worst energy and cost of living crises. The annual energy bill almost doubled on average since last autumn.So we questioned,

Why does the energy crises persist.when solar energy exists as a cheaper and cleaner alternative?



With a mission to help make solar benefits accessible to fuel stressed communities who are often renters in London.We navigated through existing regulatory constraints of energy prices and power dynamics.

Our extensive research shaped the need for energy to be provided as a service than a commodity.Where communities can benefits from the service offerings and lead a better life than having to understand the complexity of energy systems.


Proposed Service

"WeBility: Breathing New Life into the UK's Energy System. 

A disruptive approach to traditional energy norms and regulations.

service working

How does webility work?

WeBility is a transformative service that harnesses the cheaper community solar electricity to deliver affordable local services. Our innovative local hubs, meticulously designed to cater to local community needs, become epicentres of electric mobility and various community services. WeBility democratises solar energy, the cheapest source of electricity, for everyone - irrespective of income bracket or housing situation. WeBility redefines energy accessibility, driving a sustainable future for all.

problem background
Accenture Song came to the Royal College of Art (RCA) with the brief to create innovation in the entertainment and leisure industry with particular consideration of our century’s sustainability challenges. Despite the increased awareness of environmental damage and sustainable practices in economies and societies, the latest UN climate report paints a frightening picture of the future. The message is clear: Immediate action is needed by everyone.
The teamThe great pleasure of working on this team together had Allison Bajet, Emma Nadol and Yalena Sun. Coming together from diverse backgrounds and countries, we complemented each other's skill sets and enriched team discussions with different views and experiences to push this project further.


Sustainable Pleasures

Our project is under a strict confidentiality agreement with Accenture Song who wishes to push our designs from conception to company. As a result of this partnership, the brand name, concepts, designs, prototypes, research and development, business plans, marketing strategies, and other proprietary information cannot be shared in the WIP Show 2023. But stay tuned for more to come!

Our service and product designs, which focus on the design and development of a new type of sex toy and service, have expanded the notion of sexual pleasure beyond traditional norms globally. The design revolutionizes the way society think about sex toys, sexual pleasure, and communication around sex.