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Interior Design (MA)

Jie Zheng

The primary objective of this project is to design a music healing space within a poetic venue, focusing on restoring fragility and incorporating soundscape design. The project aims to address the fragility of objects, buildings, and emotional well-being, creating a space that can heal and restore people's souls. By combining natural sounds and ruins, the design will evoke a sense of tranquility and contemplation. The grid's design language will be utilized, cutting through sound to create an immersive experience. The restoration process will involve dividing the space into five layers of soundscapes.


My name is Jie Zheng, from China, I am currently pursuing my studies at the prestigious Royal College of Art in London, focusing on the captivating field of interior design.

Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated by the ability of interior spaces to shape our emotions and enhance our daily experiences. This passion for design led me to embark on a creative journey, where I aim to blend aesthetics, functionality, and cultural influences to craft truly remarkable environments.

Studying at the Royal College of Art has been an immensely enriching experience. The college's vibrant and diverse community of artists and designers has nurtured my creativity and allowed me to explore innovative approaches to interior design. Through engaging coursework, collaborative projects, and exposure to leading industry professionals, I have been able to refine my skills and broaden my understanding of design principles.

One of the aspects I cherish most about interior design is its ability to tell stories. With each project I undertake, I strive to create spaces that reflect the unique personalities, desires, and aspirations of the people who will inhabit them. I believe in the transformative power of design to not only improve the functionality of a space but also evoke a sense of joy, harmony, and well-being.

Beyond my studies, I actively seek inspiration from different cultures, architecture, and art movements. Exploring diverse design philosophies allows me to infuse my own work with a global perspective, creating spaces that are both timeless and culturally relevant.


Ins about Jie Zheng