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Interior Design (MA)

Jiaxin Chen


Our site is located in woolwich, which used to be a factory area and has plans to become a community in the future. My project was designed based on the fact that the site will be part of the future Faraday works community.

However, after research, most communities in the UK are facing more severe shortage of connection and excessive food purchases in each family after the epidemic.

Therefore, it is hoped that by designing a playful food laboratory like a playground, the residents of the community can gather here to share and reuse the surplus food at home, encourage the concept of environmental protection while promoting communication among community residents. In this way we can use the community's internal "excess" to solve the "shortage" and achieve the concept of zero waste.


Hi! I'm Jiaxin, a space and exhibition designer from Wuhan, China. After graduating from the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), I am currently doing postgraduate studies in Interior Design at the RCA. During my postgraduate studies, I explored the links between materials, details, narratives and sustainability and their use within spaces.

People are always in one space. I think good interior design can enrich people's behaviour in the space, and spice up life through various elements such as narrative, material, and colour. I hope to use various principles and methods to create a space environment that satisfies spiritual and material life of humans.

contents 1
Site Past-Now-FutureOur site is located in woolwich, which used to be a factory area and has plans to become a community in the future. My project is based on the fact that the site being part of the future Faraday works community.
contents 2
"Shortage" of community connections
contents 3
"Excess" in every family
contents 4
contents 5
strategy 1
strategy 2
strategy 3
strategy 4
strategy 5
detail 1
detail 2
Reception Rendering and Section
detail 3
Reception - MaterialThe materials used are terrazzo made from leftover materials of different colors in each production space.
detail 4
Reception Detail-1Surrounding the reception is a huge storage of raw materials. Provide community residents with fruit and vegetable peels collection and storage services. Residents who provide materials will receive points that can be used here later. (Including entry fees and product purchases)
detail 5
Reception Detail-2This is a view from the edge of the sharing area. People can look down to the making area next to it.
detail 6
Stewing area Rendering and Section
detail 7
Stewing area - Material
detail 8
Stewing area Detail
detail 9
Drying area Rendering and Section
detail 10
Making area Rendering and Section
detail 11
Furniture Detail