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Information Experience Design (MA)


Jiali Chen is an interdisciplinary philosophical artist who explores the essential fusion of internal thinking in various disciplines, with art, philosophy, design, and literature as the main subjects. She perceives the Discipline as non-existent shells, and places the thinking within the disciplines into a chaotic and interconnected world, focusing on the essential connections between their thinking and giving them various combinations and tangible forms according to contexts.

She is concerned with the discovery and construction of new methodologies and perspectives, understanding things before nouns, and constantly constructing new definitions based on the friction between essences and contexts.

More than concrete places, she considers everything within the 'boundary' that doesn't know if it exists to be the habitat of her thoughts, the abstract and the figurative, the constructed and the unconstructed, the visible and the invisible, constituting the inaccessible "whole" to human beings. Straying from the blurred border between the known and the unknown, attempting to discover new things in the complex dimensions.

What is known is not certainly known; there is always an unknown within the known.

She attempts to use the vision, creativity, and imagination of art, the essence, structure, and logic of philosophy, the ability of design to relate to and influence reality, and the power of literature to communicate feelings to construct her experiments and practice in reality.

Jiali Chen graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Design School and the Royal College of Art in Information Experience Design.

Artist photo

Atoms Civilization(2023) is an art perspective and art methodology project that explores the ways in which civilizations integrate, defined as "the collection of each individual's perspective on top of multiple juxtapositions of different civilizations".

It returns the power of creating civilizations to each individual, recognizing physical juxtapositions as a way of creating new civilizations in the context of the intermingling of civilizations, and provides experimental evidence.

Atoms Civilization(2023) opens up the right to all specific interpretations of civilization and civilizational integration, without limiting the types, volumes, or aspects of civilization, in which the civilization is the sphere it discusses, and the perspective and creativity of the individual are what gives it its glow.

It hopes to give artistic meaning and value to the unrecognized value of artistic acts in life and to open up a new art world for civilizational integration, discussing how to transcend comparison and competition to reach a place of peace and sharing in an age of civilizational intermingling.

Overlap cups of different civilizations
Experiment 1: Overlap JuxtapositionThe inspiration and initial model of Atoms Civilization. In the object, I see a model of how two civilizations possibly integrate without a chemical intermingling to form a new subject. (photographer: Yun Park)
Exchange sauces between Eastern and Western noodles
Experiment 2: Exchange JuxtapositionTo further evident the operability of this new way of civilizational integration by Physical Juxtaposition to generate a new whole, I used food to do a new experiment - Western sauce with Eastern noodles and Eastern sauce with Western noodles, from which I learned: Familiar will make unfamiliar more unfamiliar.


Object, Food
Experiment 3: Juxtaposition beyond time and intimacy – Close your eyes and feel the content, guess what they are by yourself. It's the juxtaposition of Old Chinese and Old English.
Use Chiglish to translate a Chinese ancient poem
Experiment 4: Juxtaposition beyond communication and understandingChiglish is defined here as a state of linguistic existence in which two languages are logically juxtaposed(Use Chinese grammar to demonstrate English). Experiment 4 asked several English-Chinese bilingual speakers to translate an ancient Chinese poem that is not fully comprehensible in modern language idioms, to see what happens when Chiglish is used as a bridge between civilizations. (participants: Maiyi, Ziyu, Tianning, Ziyue, Yiyao, Shuqi, Xiaoxing, Xiaowu, Guoxi, Jiali)


Sound, Poem
Experiment 5: Juxtaposition of contextual participatoryThe workshop Dystopian Social Rules Lab creates a Dystopian context where people become Dystopian Social Consciousnesses and need to create a Dystopian Society in which there is no escape for people due to the inner orderliness constructed. The Dystopian Societies forms are created and the Civilizational Juxtapositions of participatory are experimented through the process.
Experiment 5: Juxtaposition of contextual participatoryoutput 1: The Body Clock (work: Luyu Sun)
Experiment 5: Juxtaposition of contextual participatoryoutput 2: The Forbidden Eggplant (work: Sijia Chang)
Experiment 5: Juxtaposition of contextual participatoryoutput 3: Magnetic Field of Surveillance (work: Liwei Luo)
Experiment 5: Juxtaposition of contextual participatoryoutput 4: Man Who Needs an Aphrodisiac (work: Xiaoxing Chen)




16 participants

Manifesto of Atoms Civilization

Civilization is the story of People, not just of Human.

From a certain perspective, any spiritual system capable of recognizing things and being logically self-consistent can be a civilization. It can be as small as one person or as large as a human society.

Making creating Civilization difficult is itself a kind of classification of people because the logic implicit in it is that some people can create civilization and others cannot. It is necessary to put the right of creating Civilization back into the hands of each individual.

Civilizations have no distinction of size.

Give back power. Give meaning. Protect the soil of the mind.

The newness of insights, perspectives, states, and stories is also the innovation of civilization. We shouldn’t only do renewal things.

The very idea that "only those 'chemical' products that create fused forms are creations of civilization" is also a narrowing and classification of civilization.







