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Information Experience Design (MA)

Jeanyoon Choi

Jeanyoon Choi (b.2000+1≠1999) is a Korean Computational Artist, Web Developer, Creative Developer, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Researcher, and Medium practitioner. 

Jeanyoon founded the medium of Multi-Device Web Artwork (MDWA) which brings different devices, and different people within different spatial-temporal dimensions together to interact with one another, creating a sense of physicality from a purely digital domain, inducing a dimension of Embedded Reality. 


2022-2023, MA Information Experience Design, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2018-2022, BS Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea >;

Who owns the Truth? - Digital Undercommons, Ars Electronica, Austria (Sep 2023)

Beyond a priori, Seasons Gallery, London (20th - 23rd Jul 2023)

HYPERSPECTRAL 2023, PhotoAccess, Australia (Jul 2023)

IKLECTIK, London (3rd Jul 2023)

( <;

Raise Love by One Inch, Crypt Gallery, London LINK

Flicker, IKLECTIK, London LINK

Welcome to the Uncanny, Athens Digital Art Festival, Athens, Greece LINK

I saw it on TV, International Body of Art, Copeland Gallery, London LINK

IRCAM 2023, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

Murmations, RCA Kensington, London

Passages, IKLECTIK, London

AWARDS.filter('Jeanyoon Choi');

Metaverse Art Project Grant, Art Council Korea, 2023 (In Collaboration with Devanshi Rungta, Alexandra Topaz, and Oushi Lin)

Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans Awards, Jeanyoon Choi, 2020 LINK

Death of Blue Screen: An artwork with blue screen, person interacting with phone

Σ= = ≠

The sum of logic leads to illogic - The sum of equality equals to non-equality.

= ≠ =

Not all notion of logic is the same - Not all notion of equality is the same.

≠ > =

Non-equality implies more possibility than equality. Equality implies a single answer, but non-equality implies infinite possibilities beyond.

2 + 1 ≠ 3

2 + 1 ≠ 3 can be as equally charming as 2 + 1 = 3. When Binary System (2) is challenged (1), it results not only in Ternary System (3) - It opens up an infinite possibility beyond numerical classification.

Time = Money
Everything = Measurable


f(x) = (1 / (σ * √(2π))) * e^(-(x - μ)^2 / (2σ^2)) (Gaussian Distribution)

∴ World = Predictable

P(x; λ) = (nCx) * p^x * (1 - p)^(n - x) (Poisson Distribution)

∴ Time = Measurable

y = β0 + β1 * x1 + β2 * x2 + ... + βn * xn (Linear Regression)

∴ Future = Regressive










































Covid-19 = Predictable?

Dionysian Time = Measurable?

Climate Change = Regressive?









The world of Equality = Static

The world of Equality = Pseudo-Idealistic

The world of Equality = Utopia of Logic, Robots, and AI

The world of Equality = Crystal Palace, in a Dostoevskian sense

You believe in the crystal palace, eternally indestructible, that is, one at which you can never stick out your tongue furtively nor make a rude gesture, even with your fist hidden away. Well, perhaps I’m so afraid of this building precisely because it’s made of crystal and it’s eternally indestructible, and because it won’t be possible to stick one’s tongue out even furtively. - Fyodor Dostoevsky

The world of Equality ≠ Exist

The world of Equality ≠ Our Nature and Instinct

The world of Equality ≠ Art

The world of Equality ≠ =

The world of Equality ≠ ≠

Not Equal
The world is not equal (≠): Even this crooked picture is non-equal. Equality (=) is a perfect illusion.

≠ denotes anything else other than =. = implies a singular answer, while ≠ encompasses limitless possibilities. However, we often prefer = over ≠, attempting false datificiation (Intangible_Ambiguity=Numerical_Value), or uncritical acceptance of algorithmic outcomes (Generative_AI=Truth). Like the overreliance on Youtube’s recommendation algorithms, some accept ChatGPT-generated texts to be unequivocally true: both algorithmic results are accepted and consumed with a joyful 'Ja', reminiscent of the Nietzschestic camel.

This work will be presented during the 2023 Ars Electronica Festival, under the theme of Who owns the Truth? - Digital Undercommon.

Screen 2: Responding 'Ja'
ChatGPT having conversation with the Camel, Zarathustra's Camel
Screen 3: ChatGPT-generated Scripts

ChatGPT-generated Inter-Screen Conversation

Implemented with 4-Channel, web-based artwork ≠ engages users through mobile phones in an encyclopedia-style interface. Each tap of a keyword triggers a conversation between screens: one generating ChatGPT-based scripts, the other responding with ‘Ja’.

[Inter-Screen Conversation]

What is Equality?

AI:/ChatGPT> The Equality is ensuring fairness and impartiality towards everyone regardless of their differences in gender, race, or beliefs.

Zarathustra:/Camel> = (Ja)

AI:/ChatGPT> Equality is essential in creating a just and harmonious society where every individual gets an equal opportunity to grow and flourish.

Zarathustra:/Camel> = (Ja)

AI:/ChatGPT> However, achieving equality is not an easy task as it requires tearing down historical and systemic barriers that have privileged certain groups over others.

Zarathustra:/Camel> = (Ja)

AI:/ChatGPT> That's why it's important for all of us to acknowledge our own biases and work towards creating a more inclusive environment.

Zarathustra:/Camel> = (Ja)

AI:/ChatGPT> It's also important to recognize that achieving equality isn't just about treating everyone the same, but about addressing and rectifying past and present injustices.

Zarathustra:/Camel> = (Ja)

AI:/ChatGPT> To achieve equality, we must work towards creating a society where individuals are judged based on their abilities and character rather than external factors like their gender or race.

Nonequality: Burst
Screen 2: 'Ja' -> 'Nein'
Nonequality: Burst
Screen 3: Endless Conversations

'=' to '≠', 'Ja' to 'Nein'

As users continue tapping, they grow increasingly sceptical of the repetitive 'Ja' until they reach the keyword '≠'. Subsequently, 'Ja' becomes 'Nein', transforming affirmations into objections: From the Nietzschean camel to lion. Gradually, hypertext transformation accelerates, leading to a chaotic proliferation of 'Nein's, transitioning lion to baby. The artwork presents aggregated chaos, where individual sections adhere to logic and algorithms, yet the overall experience emerges as illogical, deconstructed, and decentralised. It explores resistance to simulated truths and unveils the illogicality within seemingly logical systems.

[Inter-Screen Conversation]

AI:/ChatGPT> The world is not equal. The world cannot be equal, and should not be equal.

Zarathustra:/Lion> ≠ (Nein)

AI:/ChatGPT> Equalizing outcomes will only lead to mediocrity. People should be free to excel and be rewarded accordingly.

Zarathustra:/Lion> ≠ (Nein)

AI:/ChatGPT> Trying to force equality will stifle innovation and discourage hard work. We need to embrace individual differences and celebrate diversity.

Zarathustra:/Lion> ≠ (Nein)

AI:/ChatGPT> Forcing equality also ignores the fact that we all have different starting points in life. Equal opportunities, not outcomes, should be the focus.

Zarathustra:/Lion> ≠ (Nein)

AI:/ChatGPT> I understand your position, but do you believe that we should completely disregard individual merit and hard work?

Zarathustra:/Lion> ≠ (Nein)

AI:/ChatGPT> Then how do you propose we address the issue of inequality in society?

Zarathustra:/Lion> ≠ (Nein)

AI:/ChatGPT> I see. While we may not agree on this issue, it's important to continue the conversation and consider different perspectives.

Zarathustra:/Lion> ≠ (Nein)

User interacting with the artwork using mobile
User interacting with the artwork using mobile

≠: Interaction Structure

≠ is a Multi-Device Web Artwork (MDWA) implemented with 4-Channel. Users will interact with the whole piece using their own mobiles.

Mobiles are constructed in an encyclopaedia-like structure: Users tab from keyword-to-keyword, text-to-text, idea-to-idea, concept-to-concept, and object-to-object, by tapping on the word.

Accordingly, contents on the screen will change:

Screen 1: Displays overlapped Youtube Video.

Screen 2: ChatGPT conversation with Screen 3.

Screen 3: ChatGPT conversation with Screen 2.

Screen 4/Projector: Displays Hypertext Rhizomatic Word Map.

As this is a Web Artwork, you can enjoy this artwork directly by accessing the following links:


  • Create 4 different Google Chrome tabs.
  • For the Tab connected to Channel 1, the access to webcam will be needed. This webcam detects the spectator’s presence in a real-time and triggers the entry scene of the artwork accordingly if there is a human presence. 
  • For the Tab connected with Channel 3, adjust the minimum font size by following the instruction:
  • Click on Three Dots on Upper-Right Side
  • Click on Settings > Appearance (On Left Column) > Customise Fonts > Minimum Font Size, Adjust the slider value to ‘Tiny’
  • To ensure that sound is working for each output channel, make sure to click on anywhere on the screen for each Chrome Tab.


Rhizomatic Structure
Screen 4: Hypertext Rhizomatic Word Map

≠: Rhizomatic Database

Nonlinear Hypertext Rhizomatic Structure is the key element of this project.

≠ enables users to navigate themselves - projet themselves within this hypertext structure.

They can tab the mobile to navigate within these words, as well as amend the structure by uploading new keywords using a dedicated webpage.

Currently (As of June 2023), there are 304 words within this Rhizomatic Database.

Below shows an example of thousands of hypertext transitions.

P(x; n, p) = (nCx) * p^x * (1 - p)^(n - x) -> Binomial Distribution -> Statistical Equation -> Equation -> Precise -> Descartian Ideology -> Illusion -> World is not Precise -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> God is Dead -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Berlin -> London -> Hyde Park -> Namsan -> Hyde Park -> Namsan -> Parc de la Villette -> Green Park -> Parc de la Villette -> Green Park -> Tempelhof Park -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Truth -> Counterexample -> Contradiction -> There is no absolute truth -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> World War I -> Compiegne Wagon -> Hitler -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Dadaism -> Earth is Flat -> Subjectivity of Truth -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Wall -> Brandenburg Gate -> Berlin Wall -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Crowd Psychology -> Propaganda -> Nazi Germany -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Demolishment -> Resistance -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Nonequlibrium -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Precise -> Theory of Relativity -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Paris -> Berlin -> London -> Green Park -> Namsan -> Green Park -> Hyde Park -> Parc de la Villette -> Green Park -> Tempelhof Park -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Atomic Bomb -> Gravity -> The Use of Gravity -> Going Against Gravity -> Invention of Airplane -> Runway -> Building Unusable Runway -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Wall -> Tear Down This Wall -> Speech -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> Berlin Wall -> Brandenburg Gate -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> Berlin Wall -> Tear Down This Wall -> Berlin Wall -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Blockade -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> Holocaust -> Nazi Germany -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Break up -> New Relationship -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Vandalism -> Dadaism -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Compiegne Wagon -> Hitler -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Narrative Fallacy -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Cubism -> Modernism -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Korean War -> Pablo Picasso -> Cubism -> Dadaism -> Modern Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Constant Relationship -> Break up -> New Relationship -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Churchill -> World War II -> Hitler -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equation -> Precise -> Descartian Ideology -> Illusion -> World is not Precise -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> God is Dead -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> God is Dead -> There is no absolute truth -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equation -> Prediction -> Global Financial Crisis -> Black Swan -> Non-Predictable -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Wall -> Tear Down This Wall -> Brandenburg Gate -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> John F. Kennedy -> JFK Airport -> Runway -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Munich -> Berlin -> War and Peace -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> World War I -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Compiegne Wagon -> Propaganda -> Crowd Psychology -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Break up -> Hatred -> Untrustworthy -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equation -> Simple -> Unknown Unknown -> Hasty Generalisation -> Complex -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Cold War -> Berlin Wall -> Tear Down This Wall -> Ronald Reagan -> Tear Down This Wall -> Speech -> Tear Down This Wall -> Brandenburg Gate -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Nazi Germany -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Wall -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Hasty Generalisation -> Complex -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equation -> Logical -> Logically Illogical -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equation -> Simple -> Unknown Unknown -> Hasty Generalisation -> Complex -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Dadaism -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> God is Dead -> There is no absolute truth -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> Entropy -> Environment -> Hyperobject -> Human Logics -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Human Logics -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Hasty Generalisation -> Complex -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Atomic Bomb -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Human Logics -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolishment -> Resistance -> Nonequlibrium -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Going Against Gravity -> Invention of Airplane -> Runway -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Building Unusable Runway -> Performance Art -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolishment -> Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Going Against Gravity -> Going Beyond Gravity -> Theory of Relativity -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Hasty Generalisation -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> Entropy -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Churchill -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Blockade -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> Brandenburg Gate -> Berlin Wall -> Tear Down This Wall -> Speech -> Tear Down This Wall -> Berlin Wall -> Brandenburg Gate -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Infinity -> Forever -> Love -> Ending -> Vandalism -> Dadaism -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Destruction -> Disaster -> World War II -> Churchill -> Peace -> War and Peace -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe -> Nazi Germany -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Nazi Germany -> Propaganda -> Crowd Psychology -> Landmark -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Constant Relationship -> Break up -> New Relationship -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Crowd Psychology -> Behaviour Economics -> Narrative Fallacy -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Dadaism -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Nazi Germany -> Logically Illogical -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolishment -> Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> God is Dead -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Truth -> Theory of Relativity -> Time Is A Mirage -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Korean War -> Pablo Picasso -> Modernism -> Modern Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Atomic Bomb -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Nazi Germany -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> God is Dead -> There is no absolute truth -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Munich -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Narrative Fallacy -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equation -> Simple -> Unknown Unknown -> Hasty Generalisation -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equation -> Prediction -> Hurricane Sandy -> Black Swan -> Non-Predictable -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Blockade -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Nonequlibrium -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Performance Art -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> Entropy -> Dynamicality -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Clarity -> Insurance Policy -> Monetising Anxiousness -> Untrustworthy -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> Entropy -> Environment -> Climate Change -> Black Swan -> Unpredictable -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Hasty Generalisation -> Complex -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> Entropy -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Hasty Generalisation -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Climate Change -> Hyperobject -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Blockade -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Munich -> Nazi Germany -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Blockade -> Berlin Airlift -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> World War I -> World War II -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Intellectual Scam -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Destruction -> Disaster -> Hurricane Sandy -> Black Swan -> Unpredictable -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Nonequlibrium -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Dadaism -> Earth is Flat -> Subjectivity of Truth -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equation -> Logical -> Alchemism -> Sounds Logical, but Illogical. -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equation -> Constant Relationship -> External Shock -> New Dynamics -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> Berlin -> New York -> Paris -> Berlin -> London -> Downing 10 -> Churchill -> World War II -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> Churchill -> World War II -> Nazi Germany -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> World War II -> Nazi Germany -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Destruction -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Perfect -> External Shock -> New Dynamics -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Destruction -> Disaster -> Hurricane Sandy -> Black Swan -> Unpredictable -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Brandenburg Gate -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> Entropy -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Building Unusable Runway -> Performance Art -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> God is Dead -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolishment -> Resistance -> Nonequlibrium -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Nonequlibrium -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Nazi Germany -> Holocaust -> Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe -> Nazi Germany -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Destruction -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Brandenburg Gate -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Clarity -> Financial Terms -> Uninterpretable -> Complex -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> Entropy -> Dadaism -> Earth is Flat -> Subjectivity of Truth -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Blockade -> Berlin Airlift -> Cold War -> Berlin Wall -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Intellectual Scam -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Nonequlibrium -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Climate Change -> Human Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equation -> Trustworthy -> Inflation -> Volatile -> Unpredictable -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Constant Relationship -> External Shock -> New Dynamics -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> Berlin -> London -> Berlin -> Paris -> Parc de la Villette -> Hyde Park -> Green Park -> Parc de la Villette -> Green Park -> Parc de la Villette -> Hyde Park -> Parc de la Villette -> Green Park -> Namsan -> Tempelhof Park -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Break up -> Crying, Tears, and Acknowledging Emotions -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Tempelhof Park -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Blockade -> Berlin Airlift -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Performance Art -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> Entropy -> Environment -> Hyperobject -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Human Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Cubism -> Modernism -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Paris -> Parc de la Villette -> Tempelhof Park -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> God is Dead -> There is no absolute truth -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Tempelhof Park -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Narrative Fallacy -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> World War II -> Compiegne Wagon -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Going Against Gravity -> Going Beyond Gravity -> Theory of Relativity -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Hitler -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Atomic Bomb -> Gravity -> Newtonian Physics -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> World War I -> Compiegne Wagon -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> Logically Illogical -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equation -> Simple -> Linear -> Non-linear -> Complex -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Possibility -> Immeasurable -> World is not Precise -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Atomic Bomb -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Crowd Psychology -> Propaganda -> Nazi Germany -> Propaganda -> Nazi Germany -> Holocaust -> Notes from Underground -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equation -> Trustworthy -> Housing Price -> Non-linear -> Complex -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Human Logics -> Nazi Germany -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Going Against Gravity -> Invention of Airplane -> Runway -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Crowd Psychology -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Possibility -> Limitation of Logic -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> Logically Illogical -> Illogic Inherent in Logic -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Dadaism -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Berlin Wall -> Brandenburg Gate -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> Berlin Wall -> Brandenburg Gate -> Berlin Wall -> Brandenburg Gate -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> Berlin Wall -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Berlin -> War and Peace -> Tolstoy -> Dostoyevsky -> Notes from Underground -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equation -> Clarity -> Covid-19 -> Black Swan -> Unpredictable -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Atomic Bomb -> World War II -> World War I -> Compiegne Wagon -> Hitler -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Dadaism -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> Entropy -> Nonlinear -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Nonlinear -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Compiegne Wagon -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> Logically Illogical -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolishment -> Resistance -> Going Against Gravity -> Going Beyond Gravity -> Theory of Relativity -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Atomic Bomb -> Gravity -> Newtonian Physics -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> World War II -> World War I -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> Soviet Union -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> Cold War -> Korean War -> World War II -> Nazi Germany -> Propaganda -> Brandenburg Gate -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> Entropy -> Nonlinear -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Narrative Fallacy -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Building Unusable Runway -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Hypertext -> Hyperobject -> Human Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Trustworthy -> Break up -> New Relationship -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equation -> Reliable -> Global Financial Crisis -> Apocalypse -> Unreliable -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> World War II -> Compiegne Wagon -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> Hitler -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Hasty Generalisation -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Infinite -> Finite -> Entropy -> Vandalism -> Dadaism -> Earth is Flat -> Subjectivity of Truth -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Destruction -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Industrial Revolution -> Modern Logics -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe -> Nazi Germany -> Propaganda -> Brandenburg Gate -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Berlin -> War and Peace -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Monumental Art -> Building Unusable Runway -> Performance Art -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Decentralisation -> Demolishment -> Resistance -> Going Against Gravity -> Going Beyond Gravity -> Theory of Relativity -> Immeasurable -> World is not Precise -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Break up -> New Relationship -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> Rhizome -> Demolish -> The Use of Gravity -> Going Against Gravity -> Going Beyond Gravity -> Theory of Relativity -> Time Is A Mirage -> World War II -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Intellectual Scam -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 1984 -> Totalitarianism -> Nazi Germany -> Propaganda -> Brandenburg Gate -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> Speech -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> John F. Kennedy -> Ich bin ein Berliner -> Brandenburg Gate -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> Human Logics -> Nazi Germany -> Germania Berlin -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Propaganda -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Berlin -> Paris -> Parc de la Villette -> Tempelhof Park -> Tempelhof Airport -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Asymmetry -> Harmonious -> World War II -> Compiegne Wagon -> Hitler -> Nazi Germany -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Equation -> Truth -> God knows the Truth -> God is Dead -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Break up -> Post-breakup Clubbing -> World is not Constant -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Dadaism -> Earth is Flat -> Subjectivity of Truth -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Quantum Physics -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Dionysus -> Nietzsche -> Übermensch -> Creativity -> Dadaism -> Postmodernism -> Limitation of Logic -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Postmodernism -> Postmodernity -> Useless is Useful -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> 2 X 2 = 5 -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Dadaism -> Earth is Flat -> Subjectivity of Truth -> Post-Truth -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Environment -> Dynamic System -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Vandalism -> Postmodernism -> Useless is Useful -> Building Unusable Runway -> Building Third Runway -> Berlin Nonequality -> ≠ -> Bing Boog Bang Bamb -> Instability -> ≠ -> Ecology -> Dynamicality -> Entropy -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Hasty Generalisation -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Confusion -> Double Thinking -> 2 + 1 ≠ 3 -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> World is Not Equal -> Nonequilibrium -> Entropy -> Dynamic System -> Equality -> Communism -> Failed Ideology -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Nonequality -> ≠ -> Freedom -> Liberty -> Illogically Logical -> Illogical -> ≠ -> Dynamic System -> Static System -> 2 + 1 = 3 -> Equality -> Quantifying Unquantifiable -> Hasty Generalisation -> Complex -> ≠

 Database Upload
Launch Project
Database Uploader: You can add your own keywords to this Rhizomatic Database by clicking on the link.


Multi-Device Web Artwork - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, WebSocket, ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, D3.js, Tone.js


3 Screens, 1 Projector, Participant's Mobile
W Image
Launch Project

W: A novel approach to an interactive Moving Image

Pressing 'W' on the keyboard is how viewers 'play' this artwork. Constructed of four different scenes, this interactive web artwork investigates how the 'acceleration of cycle' can be expressed within different contexts. 

Each of the four scenes has a different theme and setting. Whilst the fundamental structure of how the scene is designed and animated is identical. As the user presses the keyboard ‘W’ continuously, the visual state goes through a certain morphing phase. When the morphing phase reaches its extreme, it goes back to the initial state, creating a certain cycle within the different visual statuses. Within each cycle, the speed of interaction accelerates; That is, the temporal cycle of returning back to the initial state shortens, until it reaches a certain critical point. Once its speed exceeds the critical point, each scene goes through the certain step of ‘explosion’, followed by the transition to the succeeding scene. 

Artwork Link

W Image
W: Tunnel Scene
W Image
W: Time Scene
W Image
W: Chatbot SceneHuman: Wow that was scary... Earth is gonna die AI: I know, it's really scary to think about. I hope we can find a way to prevent it. Human: Why? AI: Because it would be tragic if our planet and all of its inhabitants perished. Human: Why? AI: Because it would mean the end of all life as we know it, and that would be a great loss. Human: Why? AI: Because all life is valuable, and it would be a shame to see it extinguished. Human: Why?
W Image
Installation view at Copeland Gallery, London, UK.
Installation view at Copeland Gallery, London, UK.


Multi-Device Web Artwork - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, WebSocket, Three.js, Tone.js
IKLECTIK Performance

Multi-Device Web Artwork (MDWA) - Decentralised Performances

Series of four experimental performances - Performances without performer.

Participants participate in the performance - With their mobile phones.

There is no pre-defined plot - There exists only a pre-defined set of algorithms.

The boundary between mobiles diminishes - Creating decentralised harmony.

Collective Opinion
Collective Opinion, Live at IKLECTIK, Nov 2022
Labour-Data Trading Floor
Labour-Data Trading Floor, Web Art Screenshot
Concept Visualisation
Launch Project
Concept Visualisation, Web Art Screenshot
Labour-Data Trading Floor
Labour-Data Trading Floor, Live at IKLECTIK, May 2023

MDWA: Creating Physicality from the Digital

Throughout continuous exploration, Jeanyoon created sets of a novel approach to decentralised performance, using Multi-Device Web Approach - Participants co-create the performance with their mobile phone by accessing a pre-developed Web Application at the same time. This Platform Art approach enables a new type of interaction, an unprecedently new experience, where the sense of physicality and togetherness arouses from the use of pure digital elements.

Live performance record at IKLECTIK, May 2023. Performing Labour-Data Trading Floor and Ode to Distribution.
Live performance record at IKLECTIK, May 2023. Performing Ode to Distribution.

PERFORMANCE: IKLECTIK, 3rd of July, 20:00-

1. Concept Visualisation

Concept Visualisation is an immersive and interactive art experience that allows spectators to explore the artist's creative process through a visually stunning mindmap, where keywords are interconnected and audience reactions are dynamically displayed, creating a competitive and game-like atmosphere.

2. Collective Opinion

This project critiques the role of algorithms in shaping public opinion on the web and promotes harmony by symbolically encouraging diverse interests to come together, using a visual representation of user clicks on news articles and generating sound based on the diversity of interests.

3. Labour-Data Trading Floor

Gigantic Generative AI Models are trainable only through the massive unpaid labour going through the manual job of classifying data. This Multi-Device Web Artwork performance invites participants to experience the manual labour of classifying paintings’ images, eventually enabling them to hack the labour-data trading process gradually throughout the performance.

4. Ode to Distribution

Participants are invited to play their own part within this collective symphony, with each of their mobile phones creating a harmonious melody following the notes of <Ode to Joy> from Beethoven’s Symphony No.9, enabling them to experience the concept of decentralisation and communal engagement, as well as the notion of Dionysian Dithyrambs in Nietzschestic context.

Past Performances

Flicker, IKLECTIK, London (May 2023): Ode to D/Labour-Data Trading Floor

Passages, IKLECTIK, London (Nov 2022): Collective Opinion


Multi-Device Web Artwork - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, WebSocket, Tone.js


Single Screen, Multiple Mobile Phones
Altering Headline: Headline Changing
Launch Project

Multi-Device Web Artwork (MDWA): Interactive Experiments

1. Altering Headline

Human-AI Collaboration on Twisting NYT Headlines

Once participants alter one of the NYT Headlines with their mobile phone, the new image generated upon this new headline will be displayed on the screen. This artwork is using Stable Diffusion to generate Images from Text. Participants are invited to use their creativity and humour to tweak the headline, and the image accordingly.

2. Woogie-Booging

Interactively Reconstructing Mondrian

Woogie-Booging invites participants to reconstruct Mondrian's Broadway Boogie-Woogie by tap dancing their fingers on top of their mobile devices. It invites two or more people to interact at the same time, creating abstractive geometric grids throughout mobile and screen canvases that induce tension and rhythm just like the jazz Boogie-Woogie itself, diminishing the boundary of individuality and opening a space for creative collaboration between spectators.

3. Ainting

Interactively Envisioning Jackson Pollock

Inspired by Pollock's inventive process and continuous exploration, this Multi-Device Web Artwork invites individuals to recreate the paintings on their mobile screens. Through intuitive interactions like shaking and moving their phones, participants co-create the artwork, embracing ambiguity and self-disruption. This metaphorical process mirrors Pollock's own journey, allowing participants to develop a deep understanding of interacting harmoniously with the artwork.

Woogie-Booging: Reconstructing Mondrian's Boogie-Woogie
Woogie-Booging - Reconstruction of Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie-Woogie via Multi-Device Web Artwork (MDWA)
Ainting - Reconstruction of Jackson Pollock via Multi-Device Web Artwork (MDWA)


Multi-Device Web Artwork - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, WebSocket, Tone.js
105, images with mirror
Launch Project

105 = 3 X 5 X 7

That is the combination of three backgrounds, five Platonic solids, and seven lightings. These 105 states symbolise the limited number of resources our society has, whilst the mechanical process of morphing the Platonic geometry symbolises an individual’s effort to reach a better social status. In the end, participants arrive at the archive page, surrounded by mirrors that amplify the insignificant geometry, embellishing fake values into something beautiful. 

Participants of this artwork first encounter a Captcha, which is an ironical process of proving humanity through an inhumane process, as Hito Steyerl had noted. This is followed by a series of other mechanical processes - Calculation, Voice and Face Verification, and Sticking out Tongue (Quoting Dostoevsky) - all used to verify humaneness. Such uncanny and ironic processes are used to highlight how humans are being more like machines within contemporary society fulfilled with high techs. 

105: colou


HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, Three.js, Google Captcha
by AI: Image Collage
Launch Project
by AI
by AI - Web Art Screeenshot.

AI as directors of human experience

by AI is an orchestration of a multi-device web interaction directed by an AI conductor with the intention of recreating the experience of training an AI system turned onto humans. The participants’ images are analyzed for facial data categories the system deems valuable–a usually opaque step in AI processing is revealed on screens. An overall image is built from each facial component and is then fed back to an algorithm that translates its pixels into melody.

Do we notice a difference between when an AI director demands actions in a performance setting from subconscious behaviors in our daily lives? AI may even have more presence in our lives than most people we encounter.

Uncanny is the indistinguishable difference between how humans can exert influence on our actions, emotions, and behaviors. How do we experience the shift? Will we acknowledge ourselves being the trained?

Performed at Murmurations, RCA Kensington, London, UK

Presented at Welcome to the Uncanny, Athens Digital Art Festival (ADAF), Athens, GR

presentation picture


Multi-Device Web Artwork - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, WebSocket, Google TTS, Facial Recognition Algorithm


4 Screens, Participants' Mobiles

4’33’’=273s=13*21s=(17-4)*(17+4)s=17^2s-4^2s=4’49’’-16s=(Whole Length)-(Intermission)

How can we efficiently perceive an existence? 

- By voidness. That is, a perception of existence via non-existence. 

This 4’49’’ video is made of two parts: A silent, void part that is actually playing John Cage’s notoriously famous 4’43’’, and 16 seconds of perceptible intermission which is placed between. Here, the sudden presence of audiovisual stimulus within intermission, which is followed by complete silence for more than four minutes, induces spectators to finally acknowledge the existence of the artwork and its concept, which would have been otherwise not perceived. 

Then why should the intermission be exactly 16 seconds? Our Narrative Fallacy induces us to give false justification to the 4’33’’. This artwork criticises and humiliates such a tendency, by using its very strategy of giving a false narrative to 4’33’’ explicitly, which in this case is the following mathematical equation.

This equation is logically flawless, creating a perfect justification for the 4’33’’ on why its length should be exactly 4’33’’. Hence, its mathematical perfectness does not imply that such a narrative of interpreting the running time should be also correct. Thus, this artwork metaphorically criticises contemporary society which is obsessed with data and numbers, which look logical and faultless, but which in fact only create an illusion to cogitate our incognito.

Death of Blue Screen
Launch Project

Death of Blue Screen: Across RCA Project

Death of Blue Screen is an Across RCA project for the 'Being Digital' theme. This project is featured as a main Image within the Across RCA 2023 website. Refer to the LINK for detailed information.

MBA (Medium-Based Approach)MBA is an artwork made of five(or more) devices, consisting of two mobiles, two PCs, and a single screen, all connected through the internet.

MBA (Medium-Based Approach)

MBA is an artwork made of five(or more) devices, consisting of two mobiles, two PCs, and a single screen, all connected through the internet. This Medium-Based Approach is designed to show and present my approach to the MDWA(Multi-Device Web Artwork), following the minimalist approach of minimising the external context blended into the artwork, aiming to purely create and implement the artwork based on the understanding and consideration of the medium itself. 

MBA follows the performative language, customised to emphasise the physicality of the MDWA format. MBA consists of three stages, presented in chronological order: 1) Verfremdungseffekt(Alienation Effect), or V-Effekt stage, 2) Causality Perception Stage, and last, 3) Chaos Stage. 

Participants interacting with the artwork first encounter the alienation effect, as the button presented within their mobile phone will not be working, or at least, does not come out with a certain kind of effect, which is normally expected in every digital interaction. This alienation might be slightly diminished over time as other screens of MBA might now start to respond to the participants’ interaction, coming with visual and audio reactions which might look somehow logical, as the numbers of the screen for instance will increase linearly upon the participants’ button click interaction. Thus, within this phase, participants expect some causal relationship to be built between the mobiles and other screens, as our brain is capable of creating causal relationships for new or unfamiliar environments, substituting such unfamiliarity with familiarity. 

However, such an adjustment toward a causal relationship will be soon transformed into the form of boredom within a postmodern hyper-consumeristic culture. That’s why the third stage, of reversing such causal relationships and creating chaos is needed. Within this stage, both of interaction-audio relationship and the interaction-visual relationship is distorted again, creating a more massive amount of stimulus which induces a chaotic experience.


Multi-Device Web Artwork - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, WebSocket, Tone.js


1 Screen, 2 Laptops, Participants' Mobiles