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Painting (MA)

Jessie Whiteley

Jessie Whiteley (b. Salisbury, 1993) is an artist living in London, currently she is completing her second and final year in Painting at the Royal College of Art. She graduated from Glasgow School of Art Painting and Printmaking in 2015. Recent exhibitions include: ‘Pop Girls Run Riot’, Strange Field/ French Street, Glasgow, 2023; ‘The Great in the Small’, 13 Vitrine, Lausanne, 2022; ‘High Windows’, Recent Activity, Birmingham, 2022. In 2019 she was awarded the International Fellowship at CASTRO Projects, Rome.

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesPainting (MA)RCA2023 at Truman Brewery

Truman Brewery, F Block, Ground, first and second floors

a room with canvas leaning against the walls and paintings mounted on the wall.

Traffic light moon is the green light on the wet bus window. It reflects: Flip Flop, Side Fringe, Sunglasses, Pony tail, Skinny jeans, Baseball hat…(Your eyes are like fingers. Your eyes are like street lights. Your eyes are like moons.) The skyline moves forward, dusk is aroused. She is inside his belly.

green painting green walking man in baseball hat looking down, crosses behind marking out naked female torso
3 4 5 oil on canvas (60x90cm)
same painting as above
3 4 5 oil on canvas (60x90cm)
zoom in green with black and purple underneath, rubbed out crosses
3 4 5 detail
zoom in of fait/ rubbed out upside down face and circle ripples in belly
3 4 5 detail


oil on canvas


zoom out of same painting
Duskoil on canvas (60x90cm)
purples, reds, greens, pinks,walking man in a baseball cap and green woman with red hair, diamond light beam, pole in foreground
Duskoil on canvas (60x90cm) 2023
close up of the figures witch walk in different directions but the girl looks over her shoulder. a skyline is in the distance.


oil on canvas


zoom out of same painting
Two colour flip flopoil on canvas (60x90cm) 2023
a wall lit acid green, a girl sits on top corner holding a phone, skyline and green circle other, figures & car below
Two colour flip flopoil on canvas (60x90cm) 2023
the crossed legs of the girl on the wall, her dress is green and short, one flip flop is closed to foot, the other pushed away
Two colour flip flopdetail
the fligures on the pavement leaning against the wall, one looks into the distance the other talks with hand gestures
Two colour flip flop


oil on canvas


zoom out of same painting
Bellyoil on canvas (50x70cm)
figures in a acid yellow and pink/red liney surface
Bellyoil on canvas (50x70cm) 20213
close up, girl on hoody walks above a skyline, next to dancing behind of another woman, a figure in a cap cycles on a bike
close up of pregnant figure with big line of hair down one side of face and big red face below


oil on canvas


mostly pink painting with shape in the center, curly lines and a hooded figure inside
Lashesoil on canvas (90x60cm) 2023
face just poking put of green shape and gray line, pink behind
green legs, green and pink trainers, orangy pink behind


oil on canvas


zoom out of same painting
Cat eyeoil on canvas (60x90cm) 2023
colours- greens and pinks. Figure leaning and twisting body around next to tall flower, man on scooter in distance
Cat eyeoil on canvas (60x90cm)
face of woman, cat eye style eyeliner and green and blue eye shadow
Cat eyedetail
laced up tall boot (knee high) toe tapping the bottom of the painting
Cat eyedetail


oil on canvas


woman in foreground body twisted around, dancing on a green thong, larger man in purple shadows,
Thongoil on canvas (50x70cm) 2023
purple surrounding fedora hat and man with delicate face
twisted torso, green bikini top and green thong visible from the top of red leggings
heals green and black


oil on canvas


black ink drawing, girl with pig tails leans on knees, bird bows, skyline in distance, window moon,
black ink drawing. figure walking, another looking up, ribbon coming out of a rectangle, bow, windows, flowers
existential vicar, 3 skylines on top of each other, dancing buildings, moons
black ink drawing. think line leaning figure with triangle glasses and curtains holds a flower. sun behind and long neck figure
black ink drawing. figure with think line of hair and fishnet tights checks phone. crawling figure, birds, cd's, crosses
swirling shape, figures waiting, driving, walking, car, bike, lampposts
folded woman carrying bags, tv satellites from back, with hair triangle, triangles with circles fall down
figure with baseball hat, rectangles with smaller rectangles inside, awkward looking figure, attitude figure with arms folded


ink on paper
walking figures, windows, lampposts, pony tail eye,
page 1
lampposts, man with takeaway coffee, windows, hills/ boobs, pavement slabs
page 2
ponytail eye, crawing woman, talking women, side fringe man, hills/ boobs, belly button?
page 3
female figure in pants, lamppost boobs, tall boot inside eye with big lashes, women sit, man leans in
page 4
dancing woman in thing, birds fly down, man looks at another man, lampposts, veins come out of boot
page 5
birds fly through center of page, woman dances with lamppost, woman taks photo in bottom corner on polka dots, skyline behind
page 6


pen drawing 6 page comic