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Design Products (MA)

Gabriela Flores Morales

Gabriela Flores Morales is a Mexican product designer. Her work is shaped by her culture and by her interest in materials and objects as container of emotions, moments and experiences.

close up photo of metal chair with blue pvc inflated plastic as backrest and seating
Expanded PlasticsExpanded plastics is an exploration into materials and their affordances. In specif different types of plastics. By heating and inflating them in a "reverse vacuum forming" method and pushing the material's limitations and making it adopt different shapes and forms.
metal chair with inflated blue pvc seating and back rest
same chair as before
same as before


Pvc and metal


50 cm x 70 cm
ceramic vase tilted with flowers
Launch Project
InsiemeInsieme is part of, ongoing ceramic work. Insieme is a set of two vases, a ceramic one and a metal one. Together they nest close to each other playing with the positive and negative spaces they create.
close up of ceramic and metal vase
ceramic and metal vase with flowers


Ceramic and metal


40x50x40 cm