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Innovation Design Engineering (MA/MSc)

Eden Harrison

reef dB

Eden Harrison is a full stack designer working in design engineering, systems, and innovation. His projects span from engineered kinematic sculptures to biomaterials and deep-technology solutions for global problems. With a growing emphasis on post-human design and nature-integrated solutions, Eden employs a wide vocabulary of skills to define and solve problems. 


MA/MSc Innovation Design Engineering - Royal College of Art and Imperial College London (2021-2023)

MEng Engineering Science - University of Oxford (2012-2016)

reef dB

RCA Showcase

In the 1850s, the North sea seabed was a beautifully rich and complex ecosystem, teeming with underwater life of all shapes and sizes. But underwater noise pollution from offshore windfarms has devastated this ecosystem.  

Reef dB is a filter for underwater noise pollution, suppressing damaging frequencies (50 – 1000 Hz) and encouraging local biodiversity to regenerate. Through biophilic design based on acoustic metamaterials, reef dB moves us toward a regenerative relationship with the ocean.