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Animation (MA)

Chang Xu

Chang Xu, born in Jiangsu, China. She is an animator who works with 2D hand-drawing, traditional materials, and digital animation. 

She studied animation at Hubei University before coming to the Royal College of Art. She has loved animation since childhood and embarked on this journey when she began professional art studies in high school.

All of her research focuses on the individual, exploring topics such as identity, psychological states, and different perspectives. She conducts her research through the medium of animated documentaries. She interviews and documents everything. Her filmmaking style adapts to each project, ensuring the most suitable approach. Her first film I Wanna Be A Tree delves into the theme of depression and is presented as an experimental animation. And her second film Lullaby focus on domestic violence and emphasizes narrative innovation.

Her first film I Wanna Be A Tree(2021) which has received the Best Animation awards at many international film festivals, including Vegas Movie Awards, Los Angeles Film Awards, and Arpa International Film Festival. It also won the Best Student Animation award at New York Movie Awards, National College Digital Art & Design Awards, and Best Shorts Competition.

Degree Details

School of CommunicationAnimation (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Kensington, Stevens Building, Ground floor

A photo taken at the exhibition.

When everyone talks about boredom, they often view it as negative and try to avoid it. And when I find myself lost in boredom, I also initially feel bored and don't feel good about it. However, I occasionally experience a positive sensation, so I seize that feeling and attempt to perceive boredom with a different mindset and perspective. I strive to embrace it for a longer duration, and gradually, I begin to enjoy it.

I deconstruct boredom, enabling me to observe everything around me more peacefully and see the world in a new way. Thus, although boredom is annoying before, it now helps me slow down my mental perspective and feel more content.

Boredom can guide us to embrace the flow of our thoughts, leading to greater peace and openness. So I want to convey the idea that boredom is also very significant to people. By expressing my own experiences with boredom, I hope to encourage others to explore the potential enjoyment in it.

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