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Design Products (MA)

Aude Saint Joanis

Since moving from France to London in 2017, emerging product designer Aude Saint Joanis has undergone a transformative journey fuelled by the city's vibrant design scene. With a bachelor’s degree in product design under her belt, Aude has showcased her creative abilities at the prestigious London Design Festival in both the 2020 and 2021 editions; the later in collaboration with Sebastian Cox and AHEC (American hardwood export council).

During these experiences, Aude discovered her passion for bio-design. She enjoys exploring innovative possibilities by experimenting with various materials such as algae, ceramic, wood, cork, and microorganisms. The young professional is fascinated by the potential of symbiotic design solutions that harmonize humanity with nature. She takes a multidimensional approach by engaging in speculative work, collaborating with the scientific community, and applying her skills practically.

Central to the designer’s vision is the firm commitment to ecologically responsible practices, aiming to redefine the relationship between humankind and the environment. By fostering a profound reconnection with nature, her designs seek to optimize human comfort while advocating the preservation and restoration of the natural world.

Aude Saint Joanis developed her expertise in utilizing scientific knowledge to create innovative design solutions during her studies at the Royal College of Art. Her team project Tidal Tape gained recognition as a finalist in the Grand Challenge for its sustainable design that addresses coastal erosion and uplifts local communities.

Aude aims to improve human collective health through her designs enhancing microbial diversity by bridging the gap between science and design. She envisions creating impactful solutions on a large scale and believes that the key to unlocking their potential lies in strengthening the relationship between these two fields.

Rendering of a microbe friendly necklace pendant inserted into a base made for microbial dispersion through the air.

In my latest project, I embarked on an exploration of our complex relationship with microbes. Microorganisms surround us at all times, permeating everything we touch, breathe, and even comprising our unique internal microbial flora.

In a society where sanitation has become a primary concern, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and as we increasingly inhabit densely populated cities, we are gradually losing exposure to the beneficial microbial life found in nature. This decline in microbial diversity has led to a surge in autoimmune diseases, weakened immune systems among the population, and the alarming rise of antimicrobial resistance, resulting in nearly 5 million deaths annually.

The project comprises a series of thought-provoking interventions that question the role of microbes in our society. Rather than offering practical solutions for the present, I chose to speculate on what our relationship with microorganisms might look like in the near future. The aim is to challenge our existing habits and foster an evolution in our perception of microbial life.

Ceramic plays a prominent role in this project, as its porous texture makes it an ideal medium for conveying microbes. The accompanying image depicts a prototype of a ceramic jewellery piece specially designed to encapsulate airborne and droplet-transmitted microbes. Paired with its base, it allows individuals to introduce a wider range of microorganisms into their homes, thereby bolstering their immune systems.

While this particular object targets individual consumers, as it leverages personal habits, public health is also at stake. Our relationship with microbial life directly influences our approach to healthcare and the use of antibiotics. Therefore, I have also explored the potential application of my ideas in larger-scale environments, such as workplaces. I have imagined various collaborative solutions to facilitate microbial exchange among co-workers while promoting awareness of the benefits and safe practices associated with microbes.

Through a series of interactive games, which gradually increase the level of microbial intimacy, I aim to challenge the players' comfort levels in relation to microbes. These collaborative games have the objective of enhancing collective health, creating a virtuous cycle within the social circles of each participant.

Microbe friendly pendant and base
Microbe friendly pendant and basePorous pendant for microbe capture with at home dispersion base.
Microbial jewelery, Plaster powder, ceramic, wood
Microbial jewelery, Plaster powder, ceramic, wood
Microbial jewelery, Plaster powder, ceramic, wood
Microbial jewelery, Plaster powder, ceramic, wood


Plaster powder, ceramic, wood





