Amruta is a Service designer with a background in Product and Systems design. Her interests lie in transdisciplinary design, and strategic and service thinking. Qualities such as observation, rationalization, and proactiveness have helped her better contribute to all the endeavours that she takes up in areas of Financial Services, Social Innovation and Sustainablity.
Her ability to take the initiative while being a team player has enabled me to understand better the dynamics of working together. As an emerging Service Designer, she finds herself passionate about problem-solving and contributing to her best ability to achieve larger goals. My time at the RCA has enabled me to co-create, develop, and validate end-to-end Service propositions through a series of in-depth interviews, workshops, and feedback sessions with sensitivity, practicality and maturity.
Going forward, in my evolving practice as a Service Designer; I aim to continue delivering impactful Services by collaborating with diverse organisations, stakeholders and project partners.