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Service Design (MA)

Amruta Supate

Amruta is a Service designer with a background in Product and Systems design. Her interests lie in transdisciplinary design, and strategic and service thinking. Qualities such as observation, rationalization, and proactiveness have helped her better contribute to all the endeavours that she takes up in areas of Financial Services, Social Innovation and Sustainablity.

Her ability to take the initiative while being a team player has enabled me to understand better the dynamics of working together. As an emerging Service Designer, she finds herself passionate about problem-solving and contributing to her best ability to achieve larger goals. My time at the RCA has enabled me to co-create, develop, and validate end-to-end Service propositions through a series of in-depth interviews, workshops, and feedback sessions with sensitivity, practicality and maturity.

Going forward, in my evolving practice as a Service Designer; I aim to continue delivering impactful Services by collaborating with diverse organisations, stakeholders and project partners.

Degree Details

School of DesignService Design (MA)RCA2023 at Truman Brewery

Truman Brewery, F Block, First floor

Image of AmrutaaS

Selected Achievements


Work Experience

  • Service and Experience Design at JP Morgan and Chase, London (2022-23)
  • Product and Experience Designer at Avnio, London (2021-22)
  • Industrial Designer at Kohler Co, Delhi (2019-2020)


  • Design For Good, Impact Fellow for Wetland Conservation (2022-23)
  • Co-director for Sustain Lab, RCA (2022-23)
  • External Communications manager for Hercules Lab, incubated at Cambridge University (2023)
  • Designer/Archivist in humanitarian relief for Politecnico di Milano (2022)

WeBility: Breathing New Life into the UK's Energy System.

WeBility, a pioneering Energy-as-a-Service initiative, transforms community solar electricity into a suite of community-centric services with more affordable prices. We pass on the cost savings from community solar to residents through these services, making sustainable living powered by solar more accessible for everyone. WeBility is a more affordable electric mobility hub service powered by community solar. It is built by the community, for the community.

WeBility's mission is to democratise access to solar energy benefits, especially for those who can't install solar panels themselves. 

Our mission also extends beyond promoting the renewable energy transition. We aspire to foster holistic community resiliency by:

  1. Bridging neighbourhoods through sustainable e-mobility options.
  2. Cultivating a strong sense of community by creating a vibrant service hub that brings residents together.
  3. Boosting local economies through the creation of new green job opportunities.
  4. Enhancing environmental health by significantly reducing air pollution from fossil-fuel-dependent vehicles.

Through these efforts, we envision a future where the benefits of solar energy can be shared by all, contributing to a clean, resilient, and inclusive society. We contribute to SDG7 of “affordable and clean energy”, SDG11 of “sustainable cities and communities” and SDG13 of “climate action”.

WeBility primarily targets low-to-medium income groups residing in areas with limited connectivity, who are disproportionately affected by the cost-of-living and energy crises. These communities often lack the financial means to invest in alternative energy solutions such as personal solar panels and, at the same time, may not qualify for government assistance. Additionally, areas underserved by public and private transportation services stand to benefit significantly from the affordable and sustainable e-mobility options offered by WeBility. Our initiative aims to bridge the energy and mobility gap for these communities.

Learn more: HERE

Problem Area
Phone screen
Context is a browser extension which supports refugees by overlaying crowdsourced cultural interpretations of information onto existing websites. Allowing a community of individuals and organisations to provide insights and tips based on their lived experiences. Context was co-created, developed, and validated through a series of in-depth interviews, workshops, and feedback sessions with members of the Ukrainian refugee community.