Sijia Guo 思嘉 郭 (b.1996), also known as Zoe, is a trilingual visual artist based in London. Her background in sociology and illustration, combined with her experiences of growing up in China and Japan, inform the multi-layered subject matter of her work. She employs a variety of materials, such as drawing and ceramics create symbolic associations in her art. By merging personal narratives, cultural symbols, and innovative materials, She focus on invites audience reflection and empathy, encouraging them to explore their own journeys of belonging and self-discovery. Through the use of vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and childlike imagery, she aims to depict the struggles and triumphs of outsiders and inspire empathy and understanding through her art.
Room, kara-S Gallery (カラス) Kyoto Japan (2020)
South London Lab in the Peckham town centre park, London (2020)
Picks kara-S Gallery (カラス) Kyoto, Japan (2021)
The One Pound Super Short Film Festival, London (2022)
The XP Awards in London (2022)
Southwark Park Gallery Annual Open Exhibition, London (2022)
Pri’s Art Salon: METAMRPHOSIS, London (2023)
‘Open Art’ Art Number 23 BCN Barcelona, Spain (2023)
WAAITT2023 Group Show, Easter Gallery, London (2023)
Aesthetics of Bliss, 67 York Street Gallery, London, (2023)
Broken Englizh x 3rdwrld Sold Out Publishing London UK (2022)
Chapbook Series 2 ‘Freedom’ Collection of Poems & Stories (2023)