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Information Experience Design (MA)

Yuxin Huang

Yuxin Huang is a visual graphic designer and installation interaction artist. Her work explores embodiment, and uses materials experimentation to interrogate current social, cultural and environmental issues. 

She uses multiple media including installation, video, painting, and performance. Her work often engages with speculative design as a tool for inspiring critical intervention and shaping discourse.


According to the research, I discovered that women's suffering has been ignored by the patriarchal society. Women suffer inequality and oppression in many aspects of the social system, such as the gender requirements of the job market and the inherent notion of female incompetence. In traditional culture, women are usually considered to be the weaker. They are expected to marry and start a family according to the traditional standards of social life and to be devoted and self-sacrificing mothers, so they are expected to be silent and endure suffering such as stress and helplessness.

With the theme of suffering, the project investigates and analyses the roots of women's suffering in the context of traditional Chinese families from multiple perspectives, attempting to visualise and express the suffering of women in traditional Chinese families through a narrative that combines sculptural installation and sound, and invites the audience to feel, experience and reflect on their own understanding. By guiding the audience to proactively press the buttons in the cocoon, they will associate themselves with the female perspective and feel with the women, thus building interpersonal trust, support and emotional connection.


Interdisciplinary Cooperation

The weaving part of the project was done in collaboration with Minshu. She has recently focused on the innovative production of traditional Chinese cultural materials, including a female theme related to my project. She has researched the changing patterns of hair weaving throughout Chinese history and how it relates to the current state of society. 

In my project, she weaves together materials such as hemp rope, yarn and elastic fabric through different traditional techniques of hair weaving. These materials are all fabrics and yarns that are used every day in the lives of women in traditional cultures. This braiding project with me reflects the inherent identity of women's inner spirit and the struggles of women's lives.


Hemp rope,Woolen Threads


2x40 cm

The concept of the cocoon and sound

The cocoon represent a new beginning, a rebirth. The cocoon contains a voice module with a button that will guide the audience to proactively press and listen to the voices of everyday women that make them suffer. These voice seemingly normal, yet bounding. 

The audience's willingness to press, listen and understand the women's situation, it's an interactive action that connects the audience to the women and creates trust and support.

Tree is life and tree is alive. Its low breathing symbolizes that women are oppressed so that they cannot breathe.

I recorded some of the sounds that women make in their everyday lives. For example, chopping vegetables, washing up, opening doors, and noisy environments. These represent the stresses and hardships of women's suffering in different environments.