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Information Experience Design (MA)

Yuting Xue

Yuting Xue is an interactive designer and artist from Digital Media Art background. Her work is based on immersive moving images and interactive installations which involve multi-sensory interactive experience, trying to break through the limitations by traditional visual models. She explores the infinite possibilities of human perception to evoke human emotional resonance from different senses. She often uses speculative design and design fiction to critique the relationship between humans, post-humans and environmental space.


During my studies at RCA, I have continued to explore the relationship between post-humans and the environment. How will humans face the growing environmental problems in the coming decades and how will they survive in the future environment? Based on the ever-advancing science and technology, will post-humans be able to harness the power of nature itself to heal nature? Most of the public places the responsibility and liability on governments and scientists, so I try to make obscure science and technology simple and integrate it into people's lives so that humans can re-examine their relationship with the environment.

NA-Masses is based on the current neglect of natural aerosols by humans with speculative future, creating a multi-sensory installation which can collect, keep and archive natural aerosols in the future. Most of the current man-made aerosols are damaged the environment and heat the earth. In contrast, natural aerosols help suppress global warming naturally without pollution. Humans are exploring how to use aerosols to improve the climate. 


Aerosols are millions of solid particles and liquid droplets that are inhaled when we breathe. They are invisible but very important. There are two types of aerosols in the world. One is anthropogenic aerosols, also called black carbon because they are mostly produced from human activities that are harmful to the environment, which absorb light to warm the earth. The other is natural aerosols, which can be found in every ecosystem. It can reflect radiation, cooling the atmosphere. 

The project NA-MASSES is preserving, collecting and launching aerosols from the natural environment in the future. It combines with speculative design in 2060, based on the fact that humans are struggling to use man-made aerosols to mitigate global warming. In 2060, natural aerosols can be collected by ‘RC-Aerosols’ technology, which can filter out the anthropogenic aerosols and trap the natural aerosols with coatings by the resonant frequency at 1030Hz. Ultimately, the collected natural aerosols masses are Injected into the stratosphere with ‘Mix-hydrogen’ method.  

NA-Masses Launch program is not limited to experts and governments. It makes the collection and injection of natural aerosols becomes a breeze. Anyone can achieve it, when they are in nature. Humans need to rethink and redefine our relationship with the air and with the natural environment. Why not use the power of nature to heal nature?

interactive images
interactive images
interactive images
interactive images
interactive images
interactive images
interactive images
interactive images
interactive images
interactive images


Touchdesigner; Arduino

