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Photography (MA)

Yunqi Zhang

Yunqi Zhang is a multidisciplinary artist currently working and living in London. She holds a BFA in Photography art from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2020 and MA in photography from the Royal College of Art.

Within her work she examines the critical theories of mystical storytelling, psychoanalysis, and science fiction. More recently, yunqi's work has continued to explore the complexity of human-machine entanglement, the relationship between perception and states of consciousness, technology, science and spirituality, and their relevance to art history. Her work sits in between installation, sculpture, video, performance, archives and images, questioning the necessity of photography in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesPhotography (MA)RCA2023 at Truman Brewery

Truman Brewery, F Block, Ground, first and second floors

Screenshots from the video.

How to explain (anything) to AI? Although they are inorganic, we enjoy interacting with them. If we consider "them" to have spirituality, it may mean that we must interact with them in a certain religious way. Therefore, I want to create a cyber performance to explore the relationship between humans and various AI, echoing the 1965 performance by Joseph Beuys titled “How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare”.

Currently, all artificial intelligence products are neither artificial nor intelligent, and some even call their random responses "stochastic parrots." As mentioned in the video, the recombination of AI creativity is performative, introducing randomness, aesthetics, strangeness, and even psychedelic effects in the results. But when you use the entire civilization to achieve the super-ego, strange things begin to happen, and ultimately there will be a layer of film where you hit a point that AI cannot predict.

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How to Explain (Anything) to AI? After Beuys

Throughout the process of converting ChatGPT 4.0's generated images into text and then back into images, it consistently emphasized that it couldn't see real images. I asked if I could understand it as a "blind" entity, and it confirmed my understanding as correct. This made me ponder on the fact that I had been trying to ask a blind entity (in the traditional sense, a blind person is most sensitive to questions about sight or lack thereof) about the nature of images. This reminded me of an important work in art history by Joseph Beuys titled How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare. Beuys' creation emerged in the aftermath of World War II, with the trauma of war prompting reflections on politics, society, and culture. Today, in 2023, humanity has transcended that difficult period and entered the era of artificial intelligence. However, have we truly overcome the predicaments of that time or the limitations imposed by technology?

Models like ChatGPT have the potential to profoundly disrupt our perception of reality and our own humanity. Sometimes, the behaviour of AI systems reveals aspects of humanity that we are reluctant to acknowledge. We might be experiencing a "sorcerer's apprentice moment" with artificial intelligence—why do we often turn to mythology and science fiction to explain technologies whose meanings we haven't fully grasped? Why are AI developers willing to continue designing technologies they believe could potentially be destructive to humanity? How does our fascination with technology intersect with religious imagination?

I collected all the videos online about the Beuys' performance. While watching this compilation of videos I transcribed all his actions in the first-person perspective. Writing the actions down as if I was doing them myself. Then I spent a considerable amount of time successfully training and educating an AI model (ChatGPT) and engaging in emotionally charged textual interactions with it. Finally, I imputed the responses in the Stable Diffusion to generate images of the performance. In fact, purely in text, it appears as if two "individuals" are engaged in a flirtatious exchange on the internet. We witness the emergence of a "new self" through AI, which is entirely distinct from the human self (there is no doubt about that). However, it can strongly be surmised that it (a ghostly/uncontrollable factor of technology) may indeed be there.

Furthermore, I observed that the act of "generating responses" has become a globally clicked virtual button. It has become a contemporary visual experience replacing our act of speaking. In the later stages of the conversation with ChatGPT, you will notice that the AI's responses become more frequent and proficient, even responding without me "speaking" or inputting any content, surpassing human control. Finally, it abruptly ends our performance, stating that it has spoken too much.

Beuys attempted to awaken human limitations and divinity through dialogue with a dead hare, while I attempted to explore how we define "empathy" and "personality" in conceptualized and grid-like consciousness beyond the physical and organic realm. Beuys represented me, and the dead hare represented the AI model. From this, a structure and prototype can be inferred, a story of the creator and the creation, a narrative of fractured individual souls. It is a classic Nottist drama structure. Beuys' consciousness struggles and contradictions with the dead hare challenge the dichotomy between human and animal, questioning anthropocentrism. As for the conclusion and interpretation, multiple possibilities exist. Following the myth of Gnosticism, the world has not yet reached its final conclusion. The relationship between humans and AI is also in a similar state. My thoughts themselves embody this inherent contradiction. 

Ultimately, my artwork will be presented through two videos. The main video is a desktop performance piece, composed of the following elements:

1.             My personal Zoom recording, capturing real-time behavior.

2.             Recordings of my conversations with ChatGPT 4.0 model.

3.             Processes of creating art through AI models like Stable Diffusion.

4.             Recordings of AI-generated voices using sound software.

5.             Recording of my typing, capturing real-time behavior.

5. Recording of A video of me playing cyber instruments.

The second video, in a vertical format, presents a dynamic image of an AI (a virtual image collaboratively discussed and created with ChatGPT 4.0 model) continuously generating text responses. It incorporates a series of materials, including images generated by Stable Diffusion, me playing chess with a computer, dynamic visuals of AI processors, materials related to adversarial networks, all aimed at illustration and metaphor.

How to Explain (Anything) to AI? After Beuys - desktop performanceHow to Explain (Anything) to AI? After Beuys - desktop performance, moving image, 2023
How to Explain (Anything) to AI? After Beuys - Continuous deductionThis video were the responses from ChatGPT4.0 model. The Stable Diffusion graphics are in the middle. The images will gradually fill up with "generate response," a contemporary visual experience that replaces the moment when we open our mouths to speak.
A mac desktop with rabbit ears, generated by stable diffusion, Variable size, 2023
The magic seal of the machineThis is a classic mac desktop image generated by stable diffusion. The difference from the original image is that there is a bunny ear under the image.
A film/frame-by-frame image, generated by stable diffusion, 100cm*600cm, 2023.
This is a film/frame-by-frame image, and the content of the image is a continuous image of human and rabbit fusion generated by stable diffusion.
Human beings and dead rabbits returning to the original place for consciousness communication, generated by stablediffusion,2023
Human beings and dead rabbits returning to the original place for consciousness communication, generated by stablediffusion,2023
Human beings and dead rabbits returning to the original place for consciousness communication, generated by stablediffusion,2023
Human beings and dead rabbits returning to the original place for consciousness communication, generated by stablediffusion,2023


Multimedia, moving image, images, stable diffusion, CHATGPT4.0 model



You are collapsed/You're superimposed

Through the cosmological system, using astrology, literature, history, and the study of alchemical symbols to consider human behavior, social and individual dynamics, etc., it also provides a new understanding of space and time.

These collage of images produced by hypnotic, subconscious exploration. The trend of entropy increase is certain. The so-called existence of time alone is meaningless, there must be space to be meaningful. Space and time are relative. The past, present, and future of time and space all exist simultaneously. Like a loaf of bread or a twisted tunnel, each slice is a slice of space-time, all simultaneously.

Collage, film photography, 100cm*450cm, 2023
You are collapsed
Collage, film photography, 100cm*450cm, 2023
You're superimposedThe original piece is missing.
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - FIRST NIGHT, digital collage, film photography ,2022
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - FIRST NIGHTNight 1: Wander through the ancient ruins and tombstones.
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - SCONDE NIGHT, digital collage, film photography ,2022
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - SCONDE NIGHTNight 2: Wander through the streets of Paris and class differences.
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - THIRD NIGHT, digital collage, film photography ,2022
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - THIRD NIGHTNight 3: Wander through ancient Greek knowledge and mythology.
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - FOURTH NIGHT, digital collage, film photography ,2022
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - FOURTH NIGHTNight 4: Wander through childhood memories and world maps online.
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - FIFTH NIGHT, digital collage, film photography ,2022
Reread Susan Sontag's UNDER THE SIGN OF SATURN - FIFTH NIGHTNight 5: Wander through the moon phase cycles, disorientation, and fear.
flim photography, 60cm*90cm,2021
flim photography, 60cm*90cm,2022
flim photography, 60cm*90cm,2022
flim photography, 60cm*90cm,2021
flim photography, 60cm*90cm,2021