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Painting (MA)

Yoonjoong Cho

Yoonjoong Cho (b.1991 in Seoul, South Korea) is an artist based in London and Seoul. She is currently pursuing an MA in Painting at The Royal College of Art, London (2021-2023).


​“I have lived almost my entire life in the big city. Living in the city, I depict what I feel in my own daily moments. In particular, I am interested in observing urban objects and enjoy spending time with them. The small plants in my paintings symbolise city dwellers. People often cannot resist the huge capital and power of the city, so, they try to modify or control their own words and behaviours. Sometimes the process of change is so sudden that we somehow encounter strange unexpected results. Nevertheless, I enjoy finding those strange and unfamiliar things. As I continue to live in the city, I often encounter beings that have similar experiences with me.”

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesPainting (MA)RCA2023 at Truman Brewery

Truman Brewery, F Block, Ground, first and second floors

Profile picture

The abundance of greenery that surrounds us often goes unnoticed, as we take it for granted. The innocent creatures have had to adapt to the challenges of city life, enduring the sometimes imposed changes. Living in a bustling city means facing countless unpredictable situations, as we have no choice but to confront them. The sudden and stringent rules of urban area, though forced upon us, can occasionally result in embarrassing or peculiar outcomes.

While the clumsy actions of an inexperienced gardener may make small creatures appear foolish, the harsh glow of artificial lighting disrupts their very existence. Despite these hardships, these tiny plants seem to wholeheartedly embrace their transformed selves. In their bizarre appearance, which has changed without noticing it, I find the daily life of urban dwellers.

Walking through the streets of the brightly lit city at night, I take pleasure in this dangerous yet captivating stroll. I observe in anticipation the things that quietly pass their time, away from the authoritative landscape of the daytime city. Small creatures dance to a silent rhythm or engage in their own playful games. Similar to us, city dwellers, they sometimes quarrel with their neighbours over trivial matters and experience brief moments of loneliness. Their once familiar appearances now resemble something alien. However, ironically, within their unfamiliar forms, I can still discern somewhat familiar moments.

lit plants on the street


Oil on canvas


Dancing plants in darkness


Oil on canvas


crying creatures


Oil on canvas


Enjoying holiday


Oil on canvas

