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Painting (MA)

Xueyang Xia

Xueyang Xia (b.1997 in Shanghai) is an artist based in London and Shanghai.


2020-2023, MA Painting, Royal College of Art

2015-2019, BA Oil Painting, China Academy of Art, China


'RA Summer Exhibition', Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2022

'Barbican ArtWorks Open', Barbican Arts Group Trust, London, 2022

'Masculinity: Invalid Traits', Gallery 46, London, 2022

Xueyang Xia's face.

Xueyang's practice proposes a contradiction: the artist longs for attention yet he hides behind a painting. In that instance, he is on display, yet not seen; a performance in hide and seek.

This idea led to him creating a series of face paintings, oxymoronic masks, the stunted expression of which represents an arrested development in his social identity.

For him, these works are both internal and external, they are a circular exploration of himself, as well as a peace-offering towards other people. Altogether, the faces tell a story of the human condition: Look at me, but, you know, please don't look at me.

A pink face of a two fish humans.
My Better Half
A blue face of a two fish humans.
My Better Half (the other half)


Acrylics on Canvas


135x160 cm
A curtain faced man.


Acrylics on Canvas


100x110 cm
A tic tac toe faced man.


Acrylics on Canvas


140X140 cm
A face behind a sheet.


Acrylics on Canvas


100x100 cm
A curtain faced man
Wet Blanket25x25 cm Acrylics and Gels on Canvas
Another curtain faced man.
Mixed Bag25x25 cm Acrylics and Gels on Canvas
A pair of eyes in front of the people


Acrylics on Canvas


100x160 cm