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Textiles (MA)

Xinyi Ling

Xinyi Ling is a textile designer specialising in pattern design and crochet. She graduated from the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts with a bachelor's degree in Fashion Design.

Her work is often inspired by natural elements, with bright color combinations and alternating patterns of multiple shapes inspiring her ideas for fabrics. During her studies at the Royal College of Art, Xinyi focused on exploring the relationship between nature and the body, the possibilities of different materials and structures. Observing the human body in its connection between the senses, emotions and nature.

Chakras and Natural Healing

Today's city life is fast-paced, and people are under a lot of stress. According to the survey, the most significant cause is the unpleasant stimulation of the five senses. So the easiest way to relieve stress is to give the five senses a pleasant stimulus. Humans and nature are inseparable, and being in nature gives us a strong stimulation of the senses, instantly creating a calm and quiet mood. Brain science refers to this as "resonance".

Our body has seven main chakras, divided into different energy centres, each with a different role to play. The healing of the chakras can be achieved through chanting and sound healing. It is mainly through the vibration of the audio that enters the body and causes the resonance of the internal molecules of the body to purify, stimulate and regulate the energy flow of the body and mind. It allows one to enter deep relaxation quickly and unblock blocked chakras and tendons, improving a wide range of adverse emotional issues and thus balancing the seven chakras.

Xinyi combines the chakras with nature. Through the seven chakras and the energy emanating from nature into the body, there is an integration with the body. She collects nature's sounds and draws them in different patterns, adding various mediums to the weaving; this leads to healing and relaxation.

Pattern Conversions
Weave, Pattern, Print
Pattern Conversions
Pattern Conversions
Weave, Chakras
Weave, Chakras
Weave, Chakras