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Information Experience Design (MA)

Xianru Wang

Xianru Wang is a pleasure expert who has experienced all kinds of pain in order to feel pleasure.

One day she discovered her capacity to derive enjoyment from inherently unpleasant, a 'benign masochistic' psychological phenomenon. She then wanted more people who wanted to be pleasurable to also experience and perceive in a therapeutic context.

Author Images

The project wants to let people experience benign masochistic activities through something that is popular, harmless and easily accessible in their lives. People are made to feel stimulated and possibly get pleasure and impressed. Therefore, one can readily adopt these proven good ways in life to quickly regulate negative emotions.

"+1" is an internet slang term for approval. The project hopes that people will understand through experience that unpleasant experiences can be enjoyable and beneficial, and feel the desire to "+1" them.

The experiences are selected according to the main ways people get information (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch).

If you like eating spicy food , endorphins will give you pleasure+1.

If you like watching horror films, Dopamine will give you an increased sense of well-being +1.

If you like listening to sad music, prolactin will give you comfort +1.

If you like to smell disgusting, adrenaline will give you a rollercoaster ride of excitement +1.

If you like massages, endorphins will make you feel comfortable +1.

Experience the entrance: performance video and wall of posters
-- Self-expression, editing him into a film expresses my nervous, excited and intense feelings. -- Self-inspiration, to feel all five sensations at the same time and try to inspire more.
Overall effect of the experience area
General Poster1
General Poster2
Survey on benign masochistic activity preferences.
Survey on benign masochistic activity preferences.
Benign masochistic activity test.
Benign masochistic activity test.
Experience Desktop - Eating Chillies
Information cards and exhibition photos
The video contains scary images, so please watch with caution!
Information card and Horror film exhibition photos
Information Card
Scent display photos
Information Card
Massage tools display photos
Information Card