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Contemporary Art Practice (MA)

Wwenen Lusa

Wwenen (b. Ontological Consciousness Awakening in 2019, Shanghai) is a mixed media artist with a background in fashion degrees at undergraduate level. Worked as a director, creative director, art director and stylist.

Their work stems from an exploration of the social construction of special family relationships and sexuality in the context of patriarchal East Asian societies, and an interest in the possibilities of the body part, influenced by pop culture to some extent. Usually based on moving images or installations and performances, the forms are inspired by situationism.

In their quest for self, they regard materiality as a reliable partner and respect them as individual ‘Living Body' to work with.

I'm a multi-legged bionic man.

!!URGENT!! You have a mysterious email from a deserted prison island:

(【wild faction abnormal lifeform】/////////////////////【lacey 

(/////////////////////【wild faction abnormal lifeform】////////////

////////////【lacey Lesbianism】/////////////////////////////////////////

///////////////////////////////////【intermittent amnesia 】///////////



/////////////////////////////////////////【patriarchal spy 】////////////

/////////////////////【homely homelessness】////////////////////

//////【romantic chromosomal mutation】//////////////////

【regret syndrome on the skin】//////////////////////////////

///////////////////////////////【emotional alcohol container】

//////////////【domestic violence imperial wonderland

/////////////////////////////////////////////in sleepwalking】////////

///////////【Aliceleader of the thief group////////////////////

///////////////////////under the Weird Dream Production】


///////【director of the Amorous Association】////////

//【the role model of lustful wetness】//////////////////

【a lonely wandering soul struggling in this world】)

Please check! Looking forward to hearing back from you soon. tHanK You :))

Yours Sincerely,


“Window”My project started from the reason of I like the sunshine outside the window and on the computer desktop to make me feel that I have plenty of time. What exactly is a window? Is it a channel that allows others to invade our privacy? Or do we monitor the window of strangers? The windows link an endless loop of monitoring each other for intrusion, and it is also a passive way of watching strangers. My main investigation points will be focus on "gap", "window", "invasion", "time", "ignore" and "uto


Still Image


63x36 cm
Concept Cover
“Sun will never down”
“Behind the utopian world- Series”The use of virtual windows and pictures combined to create a world where the sun will not set, implies that we are ignoring some things in a utopian world with the mandatory promotion of a better world. At the same time, I suspected light as a positive energy and substance that invaded people's thoughts and concealed the hypocrisy behind the world.


Moving Image


2'15 mins
Launch Project
"Me as time-lapse camera""Lapse" means "a brief or temporary failure of concentration, memory, or judgment." This time I hope to swap the roles of me and time-lapse camera, instead of recording the things that shouldn't be ignored and filling in these gaps. In daily life, we are not surprised by some things that often happen. After reaching a certain number of repetitions, we will naturally be ignored in our minds. This formed the idea that we think "it's boring today". Because these things are not new to us, but what we ignore i


Moving Image


5'07 mins
"Shadow behind the window films - 1"
"Shadow behind the window films - 1"
"Shadow behind the window films - 2"
"Shadow behind the window films - 2"
"Shadow behind the window films - 3"
"Shadow behind the window films - 3"
"Shadow behind the window films - 4"
"Shadow behind the window films - 4" The ability of window film to protect privacy as a defense against invading, and at the same time the old patterns reflect the background and culture of the narrative. These shadows behind the window film are metaphors for things that are ignored by us outside the window.


Moving Image


4'07 mins
Window film
"July 7"
Launch Project
"July 7"Monitoring and time-lapse cameras were used to record the day's gap in different windows. The produce of shadow reminded us of the distance between us and the invasion, as well as the fate of being recorded. The pictures and sounds of acceleration, deceleration, and pause reflect the delay and error in the transmission of information at the speed of light. There is no protagonist but these shadows symbolize each of us who are being invaded.


Moving Image


37'57 mins
"Walking container"
"Walking container"The circular arrangement of sculptures with projected films creates a prison-like environment where inhabitants are constantly aware of being watched. The community's gaze enforces obedience and compliance, while the face-to-face architecture and glass refraction make individuals visible and subject to control. This leads to self-monitoring and moral imperatives within the privacy of their spaces, resulting in a multitude of identities. The impact on self-restraint and the role of an invisible supervisor as


Still Image


45x25 cm
Launch Project
"Wendy"The main theme of the short film focuses on the changing personal identity, basing the door on the demarcation point between liminal space and the real world. It tells the story of the characters' recurring dreams, exploring the instability of boundaries caused by the destruction of home as a container and personal migration, thus causing a shift in personal identity. The door into the Child Core through the liminal space links to the childhood self, re-establishing one's identity and sense of belonging.


Short Film


2'20 mins