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Information Experience Design (MA)

Tianye Wu

Tianye Wu(吴天也)is a Chinese artist based in London and Beijing. She uses programming and data visualisation, sound design and physical installation, to engage users with complex systems. Her work is especially interesting in multimodal communication that uses programming, artificial intelligence generation technology, and atmospheric engineering (life science data). As such, her work involves both independent practice and collaborations with artists, engineers, and scientists.

Her work critically and parametrically models innovative dialogues between complex scientific knowledge and cross-sensory experience, while also exploring the implications of these relationships for humans, nature, and the future.

Under the different cultural and educational backgrounds of the East and the West, she has formed a unique cultural perspective and can think dialectically about problems from different perspectives.

Artist: Tianye Wu

This project focuses on changes in the atmospheric environment, using cloud signals and atmospheric pollution (signal pollution and electromagnetic wave interference) as entry points for in-depth observation. Through a combination of interactive installations, multimedia images and sound systems, the project attempts to create a hyper-cloud map landscape intertwined with signal interference and satellite movement.

The artist also collected meteorological data through the internet, field measurements of the electromagnetic spectrum in different regions, as well as the receiving and decoding of global satellite (London area) signals. She uses artificial intelligence analysis to generate 3D data sculptures of artificial clouds in an attempt to visualize the energy fluctuations and matter hidden in the clouds, as well as to reveal the interference of electromagnetic signals on the clouds. The received and decoded satellite cloud maps are used to create vertical atmospheric decomposition maps filled with various electromagnetic signals. In this way, she tries to reconstruct clouds of interwoven man-made and natural objects from the temporal dimension and sensual experience of the past.

The Show
The Show
Video:The Stack Hyper Clouds
We are now faced with the serious problem of the emergence of new technologies that have created a new ecological perspective of “hyper-nature”. A phenomenon that is often overlooked is that the atmosphere, while seemingly “empty,” but full of signal, therefore atmosphere is a reflection of Human activity.
During the project, I conducted several long field trips to different areas, selected based on the level of satellite transit reception and the level of development of the surrounding communication base stations. Left: Data Collection(United Kingdom and Iceland) Right:Decoding weather satellite signals
Generate meteorological cloud maps: During each field trip, different tools and technical methods were used to visit the different locations (depending on the reception angle and the level of ambient signal interference).
This page shows the programming research, circuit testing, material experiments, installation building and audience testing that I have done.
The installation is divided into three parts, the signals are presented in different stacks: outside the atmosphere - in the clouds - on the ground. As a viewer (at ground level), you will interact with signals in the clouds and outside the atmosphere.


Metal slicing, Acrylic sheet, Arduino board, Projection


International Cloud Atlas research and Field trips(United Kingdom and Iceland)
Production process and audience test
The WIP Show: "Vibrating Clouds" is presented in January 2023 as the RCA WIP(work in progress). "The Stack: Hyper Cloud" is a continuation of this project.