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Writing (MA)

Sophie Shrubb

Sophie Shrubb is a writer and tattoo artist living in Kent. Previously studying at the University Centre Hastings, her writing practice began as a way to negotiate the production of visual art works, allowing for a back and forth between text and image.

Her work has been recently published by Project 78 Gallery and Ekphrasis Magazine.

My writing practice is heavily centred around documenting and exploring bodily sensations from a variety of stimuli, be that physical such as the experience of eating, or emotional, from feelings of cringe.

Ekphrasis plays a large part in my writing practice.

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oil painting
Annunciation, Pavel Tchelitchew
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This essay became my Final Major Project for this course, and is an extended musing on Season 1, Episode 1 of Channel 4’s Peep Show. It follows the plot of the episode, and depicts my varied associations and learnings on the different types of humour and cringe deployed throughout the show, exploring the ways in which they affect me as the viewer. It also considers the role of memory and history in the production and evolution of cringe humour.

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