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Architecture (MA)

Sofia Yanez Perteagudo

Sofia is an Architectural Designer interested in researching and generating systems built from culture and technology to create proposals that manifest into architectural expression. She aims to apply spatial visualization to political debates, such as the conflict between preservation and progress, and digitalization versus wilderness, connect emerging technologies, such as blockchain, with utopic, fictitious scenarios to strive to preserve the politically threatened Galician culture and landscape.

The student graduated in 2020 from the University of Westminster and has been working in the construction industry and 3D digital design.

Birds-eye view of the open world built in the interface.

This project presents an interactive online interface as a response to the case of internal colonisation of Galicia in Spain, investigating several interventions built during Franco's dictatorship on the Galician side of the river Limia, and their social, political and environmental implications on ecologies and communities in the present.

The Lindoso Dam will serve as the case study for the project, as it was built between the Spanish and Portuguese border in the 1990s. Although built during an apparent young democracy, it materialises as the stratification of the logic inherent in the colonial system as it was born under dictatorial laws in the 60s, through a transnational alliance formed between Portugal’s Salazar and Spain’s Franco. The concept of internal colony visualises a population that, despite being framed within the central region of the capitalist system, is a victim of models of exploitation typical of colonies. Including the control of administrative, juridic and legislative powers, but most importantly, the process of cultural alienation.

The Galician territory has been used as a resource of extraction by Spain over the centuries while controlled by foreign capital, which led to the inexistence of Galician people in power. The construction of the Dam triggered further abuse in the landscape, as it made locals abandon the area, the democratic government allowed the foreign cattle industry to openly pollute these reservoirs, making it impossible for any ecosystem to thrive. Ancient dynamics of collective ownership of the forest were raided by the regime and perpetuated by the democratic government in the name of progress and capitalism.

Through the interface, the user can access the ruins of what was one day and the collective and individual memories of the landscape. In response to the resistance to this policy-making, the interface offers geographic information such as technical and rigorous analysis of the dam mechanism, attempting to decentralise and grant agency back over these life-changing artefacts. The set of interactions is designed to enhance the agency of the user over the landscape, by revealing how these interior spaces look and function, power is redistributed. Glitches are allowed to exist as human and water behaviour coexist within the first-person character.

IntroThis is the River of Forgetfulness decentralisation tool Each basemap shows a different time period Layers contain different analyses of the landscape, try switching them on and off The routes take you to the different dams built on the Galician side of the Limia River The 3D objects locate relics of the valley before the Lindoso dam The 3D environment is an interface that facilitates full access to the dam, it´s mechanisms and the flooded valley.
The Dam as a coronary StentThe collage traces the relations of the colonial systems of the past to the present situation of landscape exhaustion.
images of lifelihoods before flooding
images of Livelihoods before flooding
images of lifelihoods before flooding
Images of protest before flooding
San Salvador de Manin Church Photogrametry Timeline description
Collage GIF
Upstream and Downstream Collage Collage of As Conchas Dam, Photographs taken by Author standing on the Dam, from the same point of view, upstream and downstream perspectives overlayed, 2022
Collage gif
Upstream and Downstream CollageCollage of Lindoso Dam, Photographs taken by Author standing on the Dam, from the same point of view, upstream and downstream perspectives overlayed, 2022
Aceredo, 1980
Aceredo, 2022
Lindoso water reservoir as concrete
Lindoso water reservoir as concrete1:5000 cast of the water body that makes the Lindoso reservoir. Approximately 3m long.
Concrete water and the footprint of the church1:50 section model through the water reservoir, revealing the void volume that the church would have occupied if it wasnt for the resitance of the people. Undernieth the void, the toxicity in the top layer of the soil is exposed, suggesting fertile soil at the bottom, awaiting to breathe.
Geographic timeline
Geographic timelineIn this piece, 4 historic layers are overlayed: 1915 map, 1957 satellite image, georeferenced images of resistance with water reservoir above, present analysis of the ladscape; mechanism pollution and policy.
Reservoirs network
Plan and Section
Section and Planrevealing the flow of water and teh energy production through the Dam.
The manual is designed to guide the user through the 3D environment built in the website.
Launch Project
ProposalClick LauchPproject to acess River Forgetfulness Decentralization Tool
Research book Read for in-depth investigation