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Interior Design (MA)

Sina Daryoushnezhad

Sina is an Iranian designer with a background in civil engineering and a passion for interior design. Sina's multicultural upbringing has influenced his creative journey, resulting in a distinctive approach to spatial design.

With a strong foundation in civil engineering from his undergraduate studies, Sina's fascination with design propelled him to pursue a postgraduate degree in interior design at the Royal College of Art. This educational path has allowed him to seamlessly merge his technical knowledge with a deep understanding of aesthetic principles.

Driven by a passion to push the boundaries of traditional interior design, Sina constantly seeks to explore new frontiers in the field. Sina is inspired by the potential of combining his knowledge of civil engineering principles with his spatial design practice. Through this unique fusion, Sina aims to create environments that not only enhance the lives of those who inhabit them but also challenge preconceived notions of what is possible in architectural design.

Sina continually seeks to challenge conventional norms in the field. Their vision encompasses a future where the worlds of civil engineering and interior design seamlessly converge, resulting in environments that enhance the lives of their inhabitants while breaking free from the confines of traditional architectural design.

image of Sina

What happens when the value of public statues becomes questioned in contemporary society?

How do the opposing concepts of societal solidarity and collective memory fit into public space?  Statues and monuments in public spaces have been toppled since the BLM and WOKE movements, not just in the UK but all over the globe 

The fall of the Colston statue in Bristol has sparked a wider conversation about the role and significance of monuments in public spaces. While monuments have traditionally been used to commemorate important historical figures or events, their meaning and symbolism can shift over time as society and culture evolves. 

What was once considered an acceptable way to commemorate a particular person or event may now be seen as inappropriate or offensive. As our understanding of history changes and new perspectives are brought to light, it is important to critically evaluate the monuments in our public spaces and consider whether they still hold value and relevance in today’s society. 

In some cases, the removal or relocation of a monument may be necessary to reflect changing cultural attitudes and values. However, it is also important to remember that monuments are a reflection of our history, and their removal does not erase the past. Rather, it is an opportunity to engage in dialogue and reflection about our collective history and how we choose to remember it. 

The controversy surrounding these monuments calls for a new approach to preserving these pieces of history. The Monument Factory is where controversial statues and monuments can be safely stored and archived, away from public spaces.

the ruin
the movement
man walking by ruin
delivery of statue
main hall
the archive
the archive
the frame