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Design Products (MA)

Ruohan Peng

Ruohan Peng is a product designer who is currently dedicated to promoting, preserving, and celebrating traditional culture through design. With a focus on research and thoughtful consideration, she seeks to bridge the past and present, communicate with the future, and demonstrate a profound understanding of social phenomena through her designs.


2016-2020 BEng Industrial Design, Donghua University, Shanghai, China

2022-2023 MA Design Products, Royal College of Art, London, UK


2021 Industrial Designer, Weite Technologies Co., Ltd, Yichang, China

Photo of Ruohan Peng

Ruohan Peng's passion for traditional culture stems from a deep appreciation of its historical significance and the wisdom it carries. Through her work, she endeavors to revitalize traditional elements by infusing them with contemporary aesthetics and functionality. By carefully studying cultural artifacts, symbols, and practices, she seeks to understand their essence and translate them into meaningful and relevant design solutions.

In her design process, Ruohan places great emphasis on sustainability and cultural preservation. She believes in the importance of protecting and promoting traditional crafts and techniques, ensuring their longevity for future generations. By incorporating eco-friendly materials and sustainable practices, she aims to create products that not only honor tradition but also contribute to a more environmentally conscious world.

Cultural Chronicles is an innovative board game designed through "check-in" culture in Chinese museums. It aims to provide an alternative and immersive experience that encourages players to engage with museum exhibits, gain knowledge, and foster a deeper appreciation for cultural heritage. By leveraging the popularity of board games and combining it with educational elements, Cultural Chronicles offers a unique approach to learning and exploring historical eras.

Through extensive research, including surveys, observations, and interviews with museum visitors, we identified the growing trend of superficial engagement with museum exhibits due to the dominance of "check-in" culture. We analyzed the motivations, benefits, and drawbacks of this phenomenon, highlighting the need for a more immersive and educational experience that goes beyond photo-taking and social validation.

The concept phase of Cultural Chronicles focused on ideation and brainstorming to create an engaging and educational board game. By drawing inspiration from various historical dynasties, players can immerse themselves in a specific era and assume the role of a resident from that time. The game mechanics revolve around handling events, accumulating resources, and earning points each turn. The objective is to be the first player to reach 36 points, while facing knowledge assessments at 18 and 36 points. Failing these assessments results in setbacks, reinforcing the importance of acquiring knowledge throughout the game.

Cultural Chronicles is a strategic and immersive board game designed to bridge the gap between entertainment and education. By providing players with an engaging gameplay experience, it aims to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation for museum exhibits and cultural heritage. Through the game's mechanics, players are encouraged to explore various historical eras, make strategic decisions, and interact with other players through alliances or rivalries. The game offers a platform for social interaction, knowledge acquisition, and fostering curiosity about Chinese history and culture.

Cultural Chronicles seeks to reshape the way people engage with museums, moving away from a superficial check-in culture towards a meaningful and educational experience. By integrating gameplay elements and knowledge assessments, the game promotes active learning, critical thinking, and the development of a genuine interest in cultural artifacts and historical contexts.

Processing in project
ProcessingSimple cards, boards, pieces and rules for thinking & test
Board Vision
BoardA basic 4-path board, Participants can be in rooms 1-8, with a choice of flexible background settings
Catalogue of the boardgame