Rose’s work continually questions the social, political, and environmental practices of architecture. She seeks to find alternatives to the massive structures of previous generations, finding an architecture that is light, changeable, and responsive to communities. Her first-year project at the RCA, 'Pigmented Landscape,' proposed a series of interventions to performatively decontaminate a former mining site in Cornwall. The capture and choreography of coloured metal pigments were used to critique exploitative extractive processes. Her thesis project, ‘Corridors of Power,’ counters power structures in British politics and examines the role of architecture in generating a culture of private exclusivity.
Rose graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2020 with first-class honours and won the Bowhill Gibson Scholarship. She has practised in London and California, working on public sector projects and natural building techniques. In August 2023 she is running a 2-week collective casting workshop at the European Architecture Students Assembly in Sheffield.