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Service Design (MA)

Pratiti Sadani

Pratiti is an industrial designer with experience across fields of education and social impact to develop and implement techniques that support and uplift tribal craft communities. In her practice of furniture design and interior styling, she translates conventional craft practices into functional furniture designs and materials. 


  • Royal College of Art - MA in Service Design 
  • London Business School - Behavioural Economics MBA Elective
  • Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology- Bachelor in Industrial Art & Design Practices 

Relevant Experience 

  • User Researcher (Summer Analyst) - JP Morgan (2022)
  • Art Director - Vogue (Contract 2022-2023)
  • Product Designer - Magnolia Design Studio (2019-2020)
  • Design Consultant - Furniture design and Interior styling (2018-2022)

Pratiti Sadani MA2 SD

Hi, I'm Pratiti Sadani. I am an emerging designer who is passionate about blending traditional craft practices with contemporary design to create functional furniture pieces. My focus extends beyond aesthetics, as I strongly believe in the power of design to make a positive impact. I am particularly drawn to projects that promote education, and social change, and support tribal crafts. As I near graduation, I am excited to venture into the realms of finance, social impact, and healthcare, using service design as a catalyst for meaningful transformation. My ultimate aim is to develop inclusive and sustainable solutions that contribute to a better world.

Introducing Kindtype

Cyberbullying, sexting, Internet addiction—teens can stumble into serious digital trouble, and parents are worried. But many popular safety apps fail to help. Some are so wonky that they block good content as well as harmful. Others allow excessive invasion of privacy, which teens resent. Experts say there is a better way to keep your teens safe while empowering them to make good decisions online.

“By taking a more ‘teen-centric’ instead of a ‘parent-centric’ approach to adolescent online safety, researchers and designers can help teens foster a stronger sense of personal agency for self-regulating their online behaviours and managing online risks,” says Pamela Wisniewski, author of “The Privacy Paradox of Adolescent Online Safety,” Wisniewski suggests “a paradigm shift” that empowers teens to be “agents of their online safety by teaching them how to self-regulate their online experiences.”

Value proposition of kindtype
Glimpse of the mockups of kindtype
Service blueprint of kindtype
Validating the concept

Engaging with Kindtype

The captivating world of online safety on social media unfolds through a suite of meticulously designed tools and features, that empower individuals to adhere to essential digital guidelines. Valuable real-time feedback on communication style is provided, fostering positive engagement and meaningful interactions within the vibrant online community. Specialised features offer parents a unique opportunity to facilitate open conversations about their children's online experiences, while the platform itself creates a supportive environment for sharing insights, providing valuable feedback, and actively participating in community initiatives. With personalised recommendations, advanced predictive analysis, and dynamic feedback loops, a seamless and highly effective learning journey is ensured.

To validate our concept, we conducted an extensive survey involving 100 teenagers aged 15-17. This enlightening study has afforded us a profound understanding of their social media behaviours, effectively confirming our initial assumptions and theories. The remarkable findings serve as a resounding testament to the transformative potential of awareness in nurturing responsible digital citizenship and combating online abuse.

Through the seamless integration of technology within the front-end experience, we empower teenagers to assume active control over their online safety. This harmonious synergy of empowerment and responsibility equips them with the confidence and discernment needed to navigate the digital landscape with aplomb and conscientious self-regulation.

EVE hero image

What is EVE?

Based in London, Eve is a cooperative social enterprise aiming to promote and propel sustainable practices in the hospitality sector by creating visibility of better choices and actions through our platform, and by putting people, planet, and purpose before profit.

EVE delivers as an environmental accreditor, by recognising and running initiatives to constantly improve industry practices collectively, a digital marketplace to connect eco-conscious customers to EVE-verified businesses, and a rewards program to reinforce choices.

Theory of change

IF: We can decrease the barrier to making sustainable choices through, new, accessible contexts of engagement for both venue partners and customers

AND: Reward stakeholders with social and economic benefits for creating environmental value.

THEN: All stakeholders will be empowered to take environmental action, making London’s hospitality scene more eco-friendly.

Eve in action
EVE Features

Front End

Mobile-first, customers engage through digital touchpoints on the front end – a social media presence for promotion and reach, an app for customer engagements such as venue discovery or reward collection, and third-party integration into other applications, such as a digital wallet or maps service to allow for passive engagements and data capture. No matter how engaged the customer wants to be there are different options available. Designing mobile-first reflected the rituals and habits discovered from our journey mapping at the beginning of the project.

Back End

On the back end, hospitality businesses engage with our sustainable practices and initiatives, individual or community-based, that help improve their sustainability credentials. EVE also recognises and accredits other third-party services that are striving to become more eco-friendly e.g., “Too Good To Go” restaurants.

Business Model

Our service collects money by capturing EVE loyalty card scans and discount coupon usage at POS. This means we can verify that an EVE user has attended one of our accredited venues. At this point, we take a 3% commission from that exact business. To prop us up, EVE also collects revenue through brand partnerships on socials and the app with eco businesses like Oddbox. Then, we redistribute this revenue back into the initiatives that uphold EVE by granting, developing, and creating new initiatives for businesses, expanding our impact.


Our vision is to create visibility for environmentalism within the nightlife industry and to make sustainability mainstream and fun, creating environmental benefits in a space that has disregarded the planet for too long. EVE aims to do this by creating better industry practices, influencing customers to make better choices, all the while future-proofing smaller and independent businesses to whatever challenges arise in society, enabling nightlife as a whole to continue to thrive in a better way and bring joy to everyone involved.

The Big Impact

The collaborative project with The Big Issue UK spanned over five months, aiming to develop an enhanced digital proposition that effectively communicates the value exchange of street sales, ultimately improving engagement and connecting with diverse audiences.

Introducing The Big Impact, a community-driven platform designed to facilitate tangible change by re-establishing meaningful connections among stakeholders. This is achieved through transparent and purposeful actions, including collaborative community funding to address individual vendor needs and aspirations, as well as a flexible resource pool that enables organisations to support and offer work opportunities to willing vendors.

Recognising the uniqueness of each of the 1,500 individuals associated with The Big Issue, a standardised hierarchical system proves inadequate due to the incomparable journeys of the vendors. Hence, the imperative was to create a flexible and adaptable system that caters to the diverse needs of every person involved.

Vendors require encouragement and support to boost their confidence and foster ambitious aspirations. Likewise, customers who are willing to help but may not be inclined to read the magazine seek valuable alternative means to support these individuals, without any ambiguity.

Consequently, the value lies in promoting visibility, connectivity, and access to opportunities. Consumers often hold misconceptions about the needs and circumstances of vendors, and this is where our intervention becomes crucial. By showcasing the individuality of each vendor through measurable goals, customers gain clarity on how their acts of kindness translate into tangible progress and impactful outcomes for the vendors. The service effectively provides visibility for vendors, connectivity for customers, and fosters competencies within supporting organisations.

Our vision for The Big Impact is predicated on the digital cohesion of all stakeholders involved. Together, we can make a substantial and enduring impact.

Hero Image

It takes a village to raise a child

"Carepool embodies the timeless adage, 'It takes a village to raise a child,' by providing an innovative online platform that connects parents with compatible lifestyles and overlapping schedules. Our mission is to foster secure micro-communities where families can synchronise their schedules, arrange care dates, and collectively nurture not only their own children but every child within the micro-community.

At Carepool, we aim to challenge the prevailing notion of the sharing economy, which often relies on toxic commodification. Instead, we strive to cultivate a different kind of sharing economy that is rooted in trust, duty, and belonging. By facilitating the formation of micro-communities, we foster mutual trust among members and create an environment where the exchange of time and care between families is driven by a genuine sense of community.

We are proud to have received recognition for our work:

  • Service Design Challenge 2022 - Dragon Den's offer to collaborate with Antje Kruse Schomaker from IBM iX: Carepool was honoured to be selected for this prestigious global design award. The recognition validates our commitment to celebrating, encouraging, and inspiring the next generation of designers.
  • Homeking International Service Design Competition 2022 - Silver Medal: Carepool was awarded the silver medal in this esteemed competition, which actively addresses the challenges of social economy, science, technology, and urban life.