Hello, I’m Neha Mishra,
and I tell people that I’m learning the art of situating full-stops in writing, but in truth, I don’t really believe in them
Absolute expression and the precise portrayal of thought is something I aim to achieve in most projects, but I do tend to digress a lot, which has never felt any less amazing.
I write to think and don’t think while I write
Before the MA in Visual Communication, I studied Fashion Design at NIFT Delhi, India, hence my practice is informed by a very indigenous understanding of touch, texture and tension. It is now layered and expressed in newly-learnt responses and a sprinkling of quotes and conversation snippets that I’ve absorbed at the RCA, the streets of London, and found in bookstores that are robbing me of all my money.
I love the bracketing comma, for I believe in the power of juxtapositions, and waving hello to animals I see on the street.