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Painting (MA)

Nai-Jen Yang

Nai-Jen Yang (b.1996) is a Taiwanese artist who works mainly with oil paintings, but also with photography, printmaking, and installation, trying to answer the question— what is painting (to me)?

After receiving a BFA (2018) and an MFA (2022) in Fine Art from Taipei National University of the Arts, she is now studying at The Royal College of Art in London, graduating the summer 2023. She has been exhibited both locally and internationally including Taipei, Beijing, and London.

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesPainting (MA)RCA2023 at Truman Brewery

Truman Brewery, F Block, Ground, first and second floors

Nai-Jen standing with her paintings in the corner of her studio at RCA

Surface is the utmost important element in my practice. By painting on canvas that has only been primed with rabbit skin glue, I aim to create a looking experience that can only be fully comprehend by witnessing the works in person.

Through repetitive use of simple gesture and subtle palette, incorporate with the texture of the canvas and the shiny crystalize glue, I create the marks that slowly covered the canvas surface in its purest form. These marks are often invisible and only emerge when the viewer allows themselves their times with the paintings. The marks constantly change themselves visually, reacting to the surrounding light and the viewers themselves, creating an experience where the painting continuously evolve along with the gaze of the audience.  

square canvas covered with short diagonal brush marks
close up shot. canvas covered with short diagonal brush marks


oil on canvas


a square canvas covered by dark blue, brown, green, and purple drawing marks
detail shot. canvas covered by dark blue, brown, green, and purple drawing marks


oil on canvas


lines in very subtle colours covering the canvas
looking at the painting from the side


oil on canvas


transparent white dots covering the black pencil background on the canvas
canvas colour dots covering the black pencil background on the canvas


oil on canvas


51x35cm, 51x35cm
transparent white dots covering the mat canvas surface
detail shot. took from a diagonal angle showing the reflection of the paint.


oil on canvas


rain-like lines in white, green, and brown crossing the long canvas
rain-like lines in white and blue crossing the long canvas
detail shot from the side of the painting. rain-like lines in white, green, and brown crossing
detail shot from the side of the painting. rain-like lines in white and blue crossing


oil on canvas


200x80cm, 200x80cm
a white/light green painting with darker green lines coming through
a very dark green painting with brighter green/yellow lines coming through


oil on canvas


80x100cm, 80x100cm
a blue/purple square painting with soft, white diagonal lines on top
a blue/green square painting with soft and sharp, dark diagonal lines on top


oil on canvas


43x43cm, 43x43cm
green and yellow lines crossing the canvas from top left to bottom right


oil on canvas

